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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. BREAKING: Game of Thrones Season 4 premieres April 6 at 9PM and the first trailer will air this Sunday at 8:58PM ET on HBO before True Detective. Send a raven and share this update with the realm.
  2. Talvi


  3. Talvi


    meni ovo do jaja
  4. Heroes comes out May 16 on Nuclear Blast.
  5. A new year has come; At the ninth hour, the ninth minute and the ninth second, all flames shall be set on fire within the grand hall of worship. Moreover, brethren and sisters, we declare unto you the new gospel of the anointed dead yet breathing Christ, let it be known widely that a new release is soon to be at hand. Scheduled to be released in early May 2014, NECROS CHRISTOS shall unveil an EP entitled NINE GRAVES. It will consist of two new yet unheard songs (not to be featured on the last and final album), as well as two old demons clothed in new vestments. Also featuring four temples and one gate, the overall nine tracks shall function as a bridge between the old and new path the grand NECROS CHRISTOS is walking upon. To be released on Sepulchral Voice and Ván Records, we´re proud to announce that the artwork of NINE GRAVES shall be created and compiled by Timo Ketola, Manuel Tinnemans and Tlmnn Shepherd. The recording sessions shall begin in mid February, more news following soon. Thank you all!
  6. Talvi


  7. Talvi


    prva je za "pičke, plaža, limunada" varijantu, u sivoj bih i na svadbe išao
  8. Talvi


    ova još bolja, savršena je:
  9. Talvi


    do want
  10. ako se ne varam, voršipovalo se ovo svojevremeno, pa evo ga novi: http://www.mediaboom.org/401555-ea-a-etilla-2014.html
  11. nikako da overim, a imajući u vidu čiji je projekat moralo bi da valja
  12. chess na Tool-u i ja ovde stubovi kvaliteta
  13. od tih novih fotki ova je ipak najdominantnija: crni jebeni kroksi propasti tvoje
  14. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    ne znam gde ću sa ovim ali ajde, neka ide ovde: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhuG_MGRo2s
  15. Talvi


  16. Talvi


    aj ne zaseravajte temu više, imate private pošto nikoga drugog ova priča svakako ne zanima
  17. bog otac naročito u Clay Pigeons, on i Hoakin dominiraju
  18. samo uđi u My Computer pa Tools/Folder Options/View, podesi ovo što su ti rekli gore i istražuj
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