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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Kuruze, overi In Solitude obavezno
  2. ma pusti, sve go intelektualac ovde samo iz muda, samo bez mozga
  3. †omorrow | bi†ches brew video | rolling s†one do† com
  4. I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Immortal Now, Diabolical najbolji Satyricon svaki Ulver je najbolji ććpk
  5. kupio kartu, samo kult
  6. pih, sad silazim niz temu i baš sranje koliko je klipova uklonjeno u međuvremenu
  7. Talvi


  8. ne greše bukvalno
  9. Talvi


  10. nema In Solitude verzije pa može i original, isto je vrhčina
  11. Wovenhand (official) "Refractory Obdurate" coming soon via a partnership of Deathwish & Glitterhouse Wovenhand are a band led by dedicated life musician and lyricist David Eugene Edwards. Over the last two decades, his prolific work in Wovenhand and the legendary 16 Horsepower has influenced and inspired a generation of musicians throughout the expansive alternative music world. Wovenhand cannot be described in traditional terms. Their sound is an organic weave work of neo-folk, post rock, punk, old-time, and alternative sounds. All coming together as a vehicle for David's soulful expression and constant spiritual self exploration. Sometimes sad and sorrowed and at other times uniquely uplifting, Wovenhand are always unforgettable in spirit and sound. Wovenhand are currently in the studio recording their new album titled "Refractory Obdurate". Joining David on this album are musicians Chuck French and Neil Keener (Planes Mistaken For Stars, Git Some), along with longtime percussionist Ordy Garrison. The album will be released by a partnership of Deathwish in North America and Glitterhouse Records in Europe later in 2014. A release date and specifics will be announced shortly. AJDEEEEEEEEEEE Deathwish
  12. sjajna mi je i ideja i realizacija, savršeno za ovu stvar
  13. koliko su nenormalni, oplakah malopre
  14. Talvi

    In Solitude

    http://www.svtplay.se/klipp/1547524/in-solitude-jesus-i-betong nenormalno kakva hitčina
  15. regularna priča o novitetu: i onda uleće Jare bukvalno u prvom sledećem postu:
  16. ahahahahah
  17. i plus Destroyer 666 kapiram da će verovatno raditi onu varijantu sa Alanom na Lone Wolf Winter
  18. Talvi

    Grand Magus

  19. meni se oduvek čini da on ovde kaže "brother morning bright", sličnije mi tome zvuči a mnogo se bolje uklapa uz ostatak teksta
  20. tako treba, i ovde dere
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