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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. October 22, 2013 - TRIPTYKON TO RELEASE SECOND ALBUM THROUGH PROWLING DEATH RECORDS/CENTURY MEDIA RECORDS IN APRIL 2014 Triptykon, the occult/avant-garde metal project formed by former Hellhammer/Celtic Frost singer, guitarist, and main songwriter Tom Gabriel Warrior after his exit from Celtic Frost in 2008, is proud to announce that the groups' second album, titled Melana Chasmata, will be released on April 14 (Europe) and April 15 (North America), 2014. The album's release will take place through a collaboration between the group's own label, Prowling Death Records Ltd., and renowned metal giant Century Media Records. This is the same label partnership already responsible for Celtic Frost's final album, Monotheist (2006), Hellhammer's Demon Entrails demo compendium (2008), and Triptykon's debut album, Eparistera Daimones, and Shatter EP (2010). Melana Chasmata is evolving to be a vastly varied and strikingly dark and heavy album. The album's title may be translated, approximately, as "black, deep depressions/valleys". Songwriting, arrangement, and recording sessions for Melana Chasmata have occurred, intermittently, since 2011. Among the music available for inclusion on the album are songs such as Boleskine House, Stasis, Gate To My Own Death, Demon Pact, Gehinnam, Tree Of Suffocated Souls, Unchristian Anthem, and many more. A final track listing for Melana Chasmata will be issued in due course, along with further details on both album and artwork. Much like Eparistera Daimones, Melana Chasmata is being produced by Tom Gabriel Warrior and Triptykon guitarist V. Santura, and recorded and engineered by V. Santura at his own Woodshed Studio in Bavaria, Germany, as well as at Triptykon's bunker in Zurich, Switzerland. Tom Gabriel Warrior: We have been working on Melana Chasmata for some three years, in various shapes and forms. It's not an easy album by any means, and to me personally it reflects an extremely complex gestation period, musically, spiritually, and, due to certain circumstances in my life, emotionally. At the same time, the album unquestionably reflects the continuity I was longing for so much during Celtic Frost's period of self-destruction and demise. Hearing Triptykon creating such utter darkness again and exploring the potential of these new songs has been incredibly invigorating and inspiring." Triptykon consists of V. Santura (guitar, vocals), Norman Lonhard (drums, percussion), Vanja Slajh (bass), and Tom Gabriel Warrior (voice, guitars). Triptykon Live 2014: February 21 Bergen (Norway) – USF Verftet / Blastfest
  2. Talvi


    On next January 17th (January 21st in North America), Season of Mist will release a vinyl split EP by DRUDKH and WINTERFYLLETH, entitled ‘Thousands of Moons Ago / The Gates’. The four-track release will include cover songs recorded by both bands, paying tribute to their early influences. The split brings together two of Europe's leading black metal bands for the first time on one LP and represents two genre challenging bands drawing on their own influences and re-imagining songs that are important to them. Ukrainian poets DRUDKH continue to pay homage to old, talented, but forgotten Slavic bands after 2010’s ‘Slavonic Chronicles’, their previous cover EP. Those of you who don’t own a record player will still be able to listen to those songs, since the EP will also be released digitally. As for the CD format, a new compilation will also hit the stores on January 17th/21st. Entitled ‘Eastern Frontier in Flames’, it will include all DRUDKH’s tracks from ‘Thousands of Moons Ago’, as well as the ‘Anti-Urban’ and ‘Slavonic Chronicles’ EPs, which have never been available separately on CD so far.
  3. ovde Sarke realno najatraktivnije ime zasad, Nocturno Culto u lajv varijanti i HoB naravno
  4. a?
  5. Talvi


  6. oho, bludni sin se vratio
  7. Talvi


    koliko je Grief neočekivana i dobra
  8. tipujem na Kammerflimmer
  9. evo ti cd rip onda http://www.mediaboom.org/397116-protest-the-hero-volition-2013.html
  10. Talvi

    Sunn O)))

  11. OP OP
  12. koliki je kult bila ta "Riblji gulaš" kaseta nazad u danu
  13. Roddy ga je baš odvalio, dominira celim albumom bukvalno. i do jaja mi je što se Adler ovako dobro uklopio
  14. Talvi


    odlično onaj rif u Impending Doom ubi. zabavan je ceo album skroz, ima da me celu veče vozi sad
  15. novi album, from out of fuckin' nowhere http://www.mediaboom.org/397203-melvins-tres-cabrones-2013.html
  16. curnuo je Corrections House, ako neko nije video http://www.mediaboom...-zero-2013.html
  17. Talvi


    album http://www.mediaboom.org/397211-ihsahn-das-seelenbrechen-2013.html
  18. Talvi


    evo ga album: http://www.mediaboom.org/397296-sepultura-the-mediator-between-the-head-and-hands-must-be-the-heart-2013.html produkcija muljava ali svirka odra, bar za moj ukus
  19. koji herojski dan, prvo celo jutro rokam His Hero Is Gone, i sad ulete ovo
  20. Talvi


    šta, ovi su opet metalci? i bolje, dosta su opušteniji u ovome nego u onoj isforsiranoj Amadeus pozi, jedino nije melodija morala biti toliki turkanluk ako je već "Elegia Balcanica", sa sve onim "zum" i nisam skapirao poentu onih snimaka na kraju
  21. pa keva mu se zvala Judith, priča je valjda da su sva imena sa "Mer De Noms" stvarne ličnosti iz Maynardovog života
  23. pa s obzirom na to da i toj pesmi ima već nekoliko dobrih godina, ta dužina pauze je relativna svirali su je lajv baš odavno već, samo su se sad nakanili i da je snime studijski
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