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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. jes, tražim sken ovoga još otkad je izašao
  2. mene više na Negura Bunget priču
  3. pišanje po životu, smrti, svemiru i svemu 1000 puta ću ovo da okačim još
  4. pa oni su uvek bili striktno taj hc/metal stil, nisu nikad išli u neku preteranu glibež, sludge i tako to, samo oštrina
  5. jebote kakva je ova stargazer riba
  6. http://www.metalsucks.net/2013/08/20/exclusive-track-debut-ringworms-bleed/
  7. znam da ćeš ceniti i ovo: btw ako neko ima kakav materijal o tako tim morskim grdosijama, "čudovištima", monstruoznim ulovima od pre nekoliko vekova i sličnim stvarima, neka udeli
  8. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=609664132407651
  9. Talvi


    do jaja je omot, skroz neočekivano ulete ovo, može
  10. Terrorhammer se pokačili nešto verzija 1: http://www.blackmetal.rs/terrorhammer/final.html verzija 2: sranje što je ovako sve u svemu, bili su mi među naj domaćim bendovima, sad videćemo šta će biti dalje
  11. Talvi


    While chatting with wtf Podcast, Maynard stressed that without the proper instrumental parts laid down, he cannot proceed to writing lyrics. "I'm gonna stop by the rehearsal space today, in theory, having beaten them up going 'Please give me music, please give me music, please give me music, please give me music, please give me music,'" he said when asked about the future of Tool. "In theory, they have a CD for me today, to listen to some jams, so we can get this thing going." The interviewer followed up by asking Keenan on whether he's got any lyrics written. "Not 'till I hear the sounds," the singer replied. "I've gotta hear the sounds, and I can't write words until I hear the sounds - and I haven't heard the sounds," he explained. pa ovaj bog još nije ni čuo muziku koliko tog čoveka boli kurac u životu, to je fenomenalno
  12. http://bigthink.com/design-for-good/this-awesome-urn-will-turn-you-into-a-tree-after-you-die
  13. Talvi


    Sweden Rock najavljen kao ekskluzivni cert za Skandinaviju, da li je realno da će Norvežani da ga izduvaju
  14. boga oca je smorila ta riba više
  15. sve se setim onog Anselmovog odvaljenog monologa na Satyriconovom "Roadkill Extravaganza" kad priča o toj pesmi
  16. sva nada da bude kao prošli
  17. http://www.factmag.com/2013/08/19/mars-volta-15-tracks-unreleased-demos/
  18. http://www.mtvhive.com/2013/08/19/integritys-dwid-hellion-on-suicide-black-snake-humanity-and-charles-manson/ duhovni otac
  19. http://www.cvltnation.com/exclusive-cvlt-nation-streamingseven-sisters-of-sleep-shamans-owl/
  20. Talvi

    In Solitude

    "It's time to release our third album, and things have never felt this clear and pervasive before. This is a feeling that has permeated our whole lives during the latest year of writing and recording this album, as well as digesting and dealing with its consequences. And it has been wonderful, overwhelming and utterly devastating. Which, in the world of In Solitude, are very positive things, and exactly what was required. "It is a very special album for us, and I am very thankful and proud of my brothers (including our great friend, and producer, Martin Konie Ehrencrona), for this is truly the most visceral music we've ever made, and we can't wait for you to experience it too. "You come without. And all falls within. There is a light in the world. There is a stone to the head." /Pelle Åhman – on behalf of In Solitude.
  21. Talvi


    ovaj početak/kraj u Outlaw kao da je ispao sa poslednjeg Rotting Christ-a
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