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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Their upcoming album, Origins, releases on September 17th via Rocket Girl Records.
  2. ne bi me čudilo da on i peva, realno
  3. nije pametno da ostavljaš otrov jer možeš tako sjebati i masu drugih životinja koje naiđu, realno je najbolje da nabaciš neku životinju koja tamani pacove kakvu mačku ili psa
  4. Talvi


    pa ono, već su se jednom povampirili sa tom kasnijom postavom, realno što da im se ne može da urade i stariju varijantu
  5. Talvi


    neka ubede onu budalu da iskulira sa svađom pa da dignu Superjoint iz mrtvih
  6. Talvi


  7. MOTÖRHEAD was forced to end its performance at the Wacken Open Air festival in Wacken, Germany earlier today (Friday, August 2) after only six songs due to frontman Lemmy Kilmister's health. According to people attending the concert, MOTÖRHEAD spent less than half an hour on stage — 45 minutes less than scheduled — including drawn-out pauses between tracks and an unusually early solo spot, presumably to allow Lemmy enough time to gather his strength to perform. After MOTÖRHEAD left the stage, Wacken Open Air co-founder Thomas Jensen announced to the shocked audience that the concert was over. Bill Peters, host of the long-running "Metal On Metal" radio show and head of Auburn Records, was in the crowd during MOTÖRHEAD's set. He said: "[Lemmy] did not look or sound good at all and could not continue the set. "Phil Campbell did a guitar solo before 'The Chase Is Better Than The Catch' while Lemmy left the stage. The solo ended but Lemmy did not return. There was eerie silence on the stage for several minutes. Lemmy came back to play one more song (my favorite MOTÖRHEAD song) but left the stage immediately after it ended. Wacken festival organizer Thomas Jensen came onstage and announced to the crowd he did not know what to do or say about a situation like this. It seemed very serious to me. Hopefully I am wrong."
  8. nova stvar uživo
  9. ahahahahahaha ovako će i na mojoj svadbi da bude
  10. Talvi


    Now we're working on our tenth full-length album, which we hope to start recording sometime in the middle of 2014. So far 10 tracks are almost done. We have to keep arranging them until we're 100% satisfied with the result though. This will be a bit more straight than "In Somniphobia", but still it's eerie and scary with lots of horror soundtrack touch. The title will be "Graveward".
  11. Talvi


    on je čovek panker u duši, ne tehničar, tako da mislim da bi realno bilo sranje uzeti da sviraš te kasnije progresive ako već okupljaš matoru postavu čeka se još Čort ili Mortiis na basu i to je to, taman je dogodine 20 godina od ITNE
  12. http://www.savingcountrymusic.com/joey-allcorn-plans-hank-williams-tribute-to-benefit-hank-museum
  13. Talvi


    Bård Eithun Haha, it's cool people. Yes, I am gonna do the full set at Wacken. sagnite se proroku btw, ovo opasno miriše na neki set iz perioda zaključno sa ITNE, uber-kvlt u najavi
  14. Talvi


    ovo mi je zapravo daleko bitnije
  15. Talvi


    Message from Hellhammer . "In the studio at Mølla, recording drums for the new Mayhem record. 7 trax down, 6 more to go." drugi najež za danas
  16. skontaj Slejer i na nozi na slici iznad te
  17. setih se ovih kraljeva sad
  18. JEBI
  19. Talvi


    mogu ovaj put da uzmu i Fausta da svira, da kult bude kompletan
  20. Talvi


    to imaš neki info ili proricanje slobodnim stilom?
  21. Talvi


    najež u momentu
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