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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. http://fuckyeahneurosis.tumblr.com/
  2. Talvi


  3. jednodnevne su 2500 do 1. jula, od 2. jula su 3000
  4. po tvojoj logici bi za svakog posetioca trebala da se računa posebna cena jebiga
  5. Ván96: Urfaust – Geist ist Teufel (LP) Ván97: Urfaust – Die Erste Levitation (7") Ván98: Urfaust - Trúbadóirí Ólta an Diabhail (LP) Ván99: Urfaust / King Dude (7") King Dude
  6. limited sa obradama http://www.mediaboom.org/391827-finntroll-blodsvept-2013-limited-edition-vinyl-rip-16-bit-44-khz.html
  7. Talvi


    DARK ESSENCE RECORDS is set to release an album with different SHINING songs that hark back to an earlier era for the band. Rather than simply re-issue the original tracks, SHINING has decided not only to re-record the songs, but re-record them using a number of different vocalists. The album, which will be available in both CD and LP versions will be titled “8 ½ – Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd” and will appear in September of this year. Commenting on the idea behind the album, SHINING founder and frontman Niklas Kvarforth had this to say: “Some of you may remember that five years ago we revealed that we had plans to re-record our debut album and then have six different vocalists doing their own interpretations of the songs instead of merely having them singing on the already set paradigms. You may also be aware that recently we have been working extremely hard to reclaim our birthright by releasing older bootlegs through our web-shop in an effort to put an end to this fucking bootlegging bullshit that has been infecting our aura for as long as we’ve been around. So we thought that since the new SHINING full-length album is still in the making now would be the right time to combine a bit of both those projects. “8 ½ – Febedrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd” consist of six songs from the “Livets Ändhållplats” and “Angst” era in their original pre-production versions, with newly recorded bass and guitars on top and the malevolent brilliance of Lars Fredrik Fröslie’s keyboard magic, which sadly we didn’t start using until the sixth album. Six vocalists whom we all find both inspiring and “otherworldly” have blessed the album with their madness, some of them even in their native languages. At first, my initial thought was that it might turn out a bit too strange. But after hearing some of our classic songs in French, Hungarian and Norwegian I am certain the whole concept will please not only our loyal fan-base but even the contemptuous ones as well”. Martin Kvam of DARK ESSENCE RECORDS, one of Norway’s leading Extreme Metal labels said: “We’re very pleased to be working with Niklas Kvarforth on this special SHINING release. DARK ESSENCE RECORDS have always aimed to work with both innovation and tradition in the extreme metal genre, and this release is a perfect example of that. “8 ½ – Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd” looks back, but at the same time, it also brings new life and new elements to these classic songs.”
  8. meni je ova najbolja, sećam je se sa neke Hammerheart kompilacije od pre xy godina
  9. Talvi


    mislim da imaš direktan bus BG-Prag, ali ne ide svakodnevno nego tipa 2-3 puta nedeljno
  10. i meni se čini da su se malo preforsirali
  11. Talvi


  12. Talvi


    i Zvezdi ćeš da se vratiš tako
  13. pa fora je što Arena i jeste organizator, na drugoj lokaciji ne bi imao ko da ga pravi
  14. Talvi


    meni je svako poznanstvo na lastu kul, baš zato što je muzika u pitanju. kod svakoga mogu naleteti na nešto novo ili da se setim nečega što odavno nisam čuo itd, ono, nemam sad nešto razloga da odbijam rikvestove ili šta već, koga zabole
  15. Talvi


  16. Talvi


  17. Talvi


    vole oni to, da sve uvećavaju, da bude ogromno, veliko, široko, preko celog ekrana, k'o da su svi slepi. koliko je presmešno nepotreban onaj plavi meni, provalite koliko su jedan do drugog linkovi do preporuka i do profila Inbox isto, dva linka na 5 cm jebote
  18. Talvi


    au jebote kakav je ovo haos
  19. postojao je taj flexi pass za ceo Balkan, ali nisam siguran ima li i ta varijanta još
  20. siguran sam da će u septembru doći značajno više ljudi. ne.
  21. rekoh već negde, Watain za death metalce. naporan mi je album mnogo, nije moja kriglica piva.
  22. Talvi


  23. Talvi


    i plus Satyricon, ja iskreno ne verujem da će Watain to da nadjebe ali ajde, videćemo tj. čućemo
  24. Talvi


    polako, i Nacht uleću u studio uskoro
  25. gledaću da ispoštujem zbog tog "southern" i Sethovog omota
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