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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. ahahaha
  2. Chaostar: http://www.mediaboom.org/389635-chaostar-anomima-2013.html
  3. Talvi


    i dalje mi je omiljena vest sa TOT ono da je Obama bio bubnjar Overkill-a
  4. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=189764
  5. još jedna
  6. jebeni bog, u svakom periodu i šta god da je radio. sigurno jedan od najboljih tekstopisaca ikad, genije. "Don't you know there ain't no Devil, there's just God when he's drunk" koliko je ta stvar genijalna ostali favoriti - Lucinda, Ice Cream Man, No One Knows I'm Gone, Whistlin' Past The Graveyard, I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You, All The World Is Green... sve, jebiga.
  7. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    novi Vulcano http://www.mediaboom.org/389603-vulcano-the-man-the-key-the-beast-2013.html
  8. a i svejedno si onda trebao baciti na doom preporuke, ne na sludge/stoner
  9. Godgory je death metal pa mu nije mesto ovde nikako ali neka, mlad si, naučićeš
  10. za te pare je mogao k'o čovek da ode u kakav geto i unajmi realnijeg lika
  11. meni Issues i FTL najdraži
  12. a Follow The Leader?
  13. ^ realno original je veći kult, baš zato što 90% ljudi ne zna da je to obrada
  14. http://homes.yahoo.com/news/america%E2%80%99s-most-polluted-cities--182250757.html od 10 gradova 8 u Kaliforniji, dominacija
  15. koliko savršena brada
  16. jedno 15 minuta sam se smejao ovome danas
  17. odličan Howl album, jedino je produkcija prečista, mogla je biti dosta prljavija za sludge album ali svirka ubi.
  18. Talvi


    gde je Blagi http://www.mediaboom.org/389458-m-pire-of-evil-crucified-2013.html
  19. Talvi

    Blut aus Nord

    "After Blut Aus Nord imparted the genre-defying "The Work Which Transforms God" upon the unsuspecting masses in 2003, the Black Metal landscape was irreversibly altered. Boldly refusing to follow convention, "TWWTG" tore up the rulebook and carved out a new path for others to follow. A trailblazing album widely regarded as a cult classic, Blut Aus Nord’s epiphany distils the sound of urban decay into a loose Black Metal template to conjure a unique and refreshing identity; individualistic, groundbreaking, abstract and altogether different. As unsettling as it was seminal, this nihilistic, desolate and soulless curveball - an indisputable reference point - stands proud as the soundtrack to a dead and dying world. As essential today as it was a decade ago, this pioneering masterpiece is now available on vinyl for the first time. Immortalised onto 180g black or transparent blue records and featuring a reinterpretation of Godflesh’s "Mighty Trust Krusher", this landmark, tenth-anniversary gatefold 2LP edition is supplemented by new artwork from visionaries Valnoir Mortasonge and Dehn Sora." You can pre-order yours at www.eitrin.com now !
  20. to je otprilike životna filozofija polovine foruma one polovine sa boljim ukusom, dabome
  21. ja sam imao drveno kao klinac, dođoš prajd
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