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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. ako ćemo po kantriju - Townes Van Zandt, bog otac i gospodar svetova
  2. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    http://www.mediaboom.org/388244-vhol-vhol-2013.html Vocals - Mike Scheidt (YOB) Guitars - John Cobbett (Hammers of Misfortune, ex-Ludicra) Bass - Sigrid Sheie (Hammers of Misfortune) Drums - Aesop Dekker (Agalloch, Worm Ouroboros, ex-Ludicra)
  3. Talvi


    dobro veče http://www.mediaboom.org/388202-aosoth-iv-an-arrow-in-heart-2013.html
  4. Talvi


    nikad duboke patike
  5. sine, govorimo o modernim terminima. Srbi su narod, Ameri su nacija. Šveđani su narod, Australijanci su nacija. Kurdi su narod, Švajcarci su nacija. Shvataš liniju?
  6. hahah to za Let 3 je vrh
  7. baš to, Tool-u treba 100 godina 1 album da izbace, ne 4, a Vader zato izbaci 4 za godinu dana
  8. British doom metal outfit SOLSTICE will enter an undisclosed studio in Huddersfield, Yorkshire at the end of April to begin recording its first new material since 1998's "New Dark Age" album. Tracks set to be laid down include "I Am The Hunter", "Fortress England" and "Death's Crown Is Victory". Video footage of SOLSTICE performing the song "Death's Crown Is Victory" during rehearsal can be seen below. au mile
  9. 'ΕΣΟΠΤΡΟΝ' is now fully remastered and features a brand new cover artwork designed by Seth Siro Anton, as well as three bonus tracks.
  10. trougao?
  11. Talvi


    Philip Anselmo, legendary frontman of Pantera and Down, will release his career-first solo album, Walk Through Exits Only, on July 16 via his own Housecore Records (MRI/Megaforce). Walk Through Exits Only will be available digitally, on CD and on vinyl.
  12. Om e da, Rotting Christ naravno, opet može više nizova tu da se povuče
  13. Neurosis, Deftonsi i Woven Hand su mi na fazon da mogu koja hoćeš 4 albuma po redu i biće mi savršeni pa onda Tool, poslednja 4 Primordiala...
  14. danas slušah "Terror Eyes", više je neki A389 fazon
  15. nacija i narod nisu isti pojmovi, Ameri jesu nacija.
  16. Kid Rađa - Sve šta đaku treba (2013) ZNAČI USKORO prvu pjesmu objavljujemo ovaj tjedan, cijeli album od 15 pjesama izlazi do ljeta uz Rađu repove bacaju Ivo Sivo i Krešo Benghazi, produkcija - Zondo
  17. Cartoon Network nije bio smeće u to vreme, bilo je super crtaća tamo, posle je otišlo sve u kurac ali da, RTS je bio kult, kao i NS+ paz'te sad
  18. što me podseti, taj Sofronije je bio genijalan koliko je tu bilo fora koje ukačiš tek kad odrasteš ceo ovaj npr: dan-danas se upišam na 5:02 :haha:
  19. kako sam uvek za Toma navijao, onaj Džeri me je zverski nervirao uvek. i za Peru Kojota isto, samo negativci samo autsajderi
  20. sećate se onog crtanog "Istorija automobila", sa onim likom što ne može da izađe iz petlje na autoputu? e da, Pink Panter kvlt eternal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeT11kwOrUg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlViKla1mFg
  21. novi Uncle Acid http://www.mediaboom.org/388108-uncle-acid-and-the-deadbeats-mind-control-2013.html
  22. malopre je iskopao iz ormara
  23. mislim da smo pričali na ovoj temi i o "Mačkićima", to je isto bio TVNS kult iz tih dana
  24. OP OP Pepper Keenan, who has spent the last few years focusing on his guitar-playing duties in DOWN, rejoined his CORROSION OF CONFORMITY bandmates on stage this past Saturday, April 13 at The Metal Fest at Movistar Arena in Santiago, Chile to perform two songs: "Señor Limpio" and "Vote With A Bullet". Fan-filmed video footage of his appearance can be seen below.
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