New Burzum album release date; 27th May 2013
Sôl austan (East of the Sun)
Rûnar munt þû finna (You shall find Secrets)
Sôlarrâs (Sun-journey)
Haugaeldr (Burial Mound Fire)
Feðrahellir (Forebear-Cave)
Sôlarguði (Sun-god)
Ganga at sôlu (Deasil)
Hîð Bear's (Lair)
Heljarmyrkr (Death's Darkness)
Mâni vestan (West of the Moon)
Sôlbjörg (Sunset)
"Sôl austan, Mâni vestan" is inspired by and made for the "ForeBears" movie by Marie Cachet and Varg Vikernes, where much of the Scaldic music from "Sôl austan, Mâni vestan" appears, only in unmastered form, as a soundtrack.
Artwork presents the painting titled "Rape of Proserpina" by Ulpiano Checa (1888).