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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Hold On With Regret and Tears. GridLink "Longhena" will be released in Winter 2013 on vinyl and bits by Handshake Inc.
  2. Talvi


  3. patlapse.bandcamp.com/album/mass-volume
  4. i meni je Nachtmystium milijardu puta bolji bend od recimo Immortala, ali to ne znači da bi bilo normalno da Nacht ima više publike.
  5. http://www.mediaboom.org/385810-blind-guardian-a-travelers-guide-to-space-and-time-2013-box-set.html
  6. bez spama, imate za te stvari fejsbuk ili šta već
  7. Upada čovek u apoteku sav zadihan: - Molim vas pustite me preko reda, devojka mi tamo leži... Red se brzo pomera: - Ajde, ajde, prodji !!! Stiže on na šalter i kaže: - Daj kutiju Durexa!
  8. odličan singl, skida se i album
  9. http://www.mediaboom.org/385704-metallica-soundwave-festival-brisbane-aus-20130223.html http://www.mediaboom.org/385705-metallica-soundwave-festival-brisbane-aus-20130224.html
  10. sećam se ove epizode, kad idu u onu pušionicu opijuma
  11. The beginning of 2013 brings Negură Bunget on a highlighted evolution path. A significant development occurred within our line-up. We are pleased to announce we refined a new concept and approach towards our live and studio performances. At the center of the band there is a core of dedicated musicians involved in all the band projects. This core is complemented by an additional sphere of musicians for special performances and studio works. This approach helps us enrich our grip towards traditional instruments use and performance. We are also shaping things towards a new visual and musical atmosphere of our performances to undertake a complete transformation. Negură Bunget - gînd a-prins - EP / European Tour We are delighted to announce the first concrete endeavour of the present Negură Bunget collective will be a 7" EP titled gînd a-prins (Incandescent Thought). The two tracks of the EP are tăul fără fund (Abysmal Mire) and curgerea muntelui (Flow of the Mountain). The EP serves as a gradual introduction towards the first part of the Transilvanian Trilogy - TĂU, planned for release in the second part of the year. The two songs develop the major musical directions of the album, which melt together in the end into the larger visual concept. The EP will be released by Prophecy Productions in May 2013 in a limited vinyl edition only. Complementing the release of the EP we set up a small European Tour to introduce the audience with the atmosphere of our new works. Complete scheduele will be announced soon. There's more coming out with the EP, so stay tuned for further details!
  12. Bluberi btw, imaju negde skenovi Zori Kida? hoću da čitam tu manijakalnost opet
  13. sjajna epizoda
  14. sećam se i toga, to je valjda bio onaj tamo period kraja 80-ih, no Paja i Miki nisu istrajali do danas pa ono, ova dvojica su mi se više srodili sa pojmom Zabavnika
  15. meni se sviđa, samo mi je nepotreban poslednji minut otprilike dobro je da su razbili šablon singlova, nije isti fazon kao uvek dosad
  16. sranje što su izbacili Garfilda, Hogar mi je draži ipak ali opet, obojica su simbol Zabavnika otkad znam za isti
  17. Talvi

    The Crown

  18. čekaj, znači ta priča o cenzuri nije zajebancija? jebote :haha:
  19. Talvi


    OM Addis Dubplate 12'' Single To Be Released 3/19/13 "Addis" in dub! OM take the tracks to the next level with Alpha & Omega at the board, adding bounce to an Advaitic song like only they can! Two versions for the price of one 12" is alright, but a link to other vibrational dimensions is a priceless thing, yeah?
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