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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Zanimljiv Serengeti, lepo iskuliran skroz, naročito druga polovina mi leži. ona prva stvar mi je bila wtf totalni inače, novi Tyler uskoro: http://pitchfork.com/news/49571-tyler-the-creator-announces-new-album-wolf-three-album-covers-and-tour/
  2. :haha:
  3. carski
  4. a realno, teško da bi to dobro bilo posle ovoliko vremena, a TP je u dobroj meri i postao kult upravo zato što priča nikad nije nastavljena. Ja ga ne bih dirao nikako, mada mi ne bi smetalo da bacim oko na scenario za 3. ciklus, pošto on postoji oduvek proverih sad na wikipediji, umro je dedica još '92 mada ih je generalno još dosta živih - od ovih bitnijih likova, umrli su Bob, Pit i Major Brigs, ostali se drže još.
  5. Amorphis will be celebrating the release of their new album “Circle” at a special record release show at The Circus in Helsinki on the 25th of April. At this show, Amorphis will be performing “Circle” in its entirety. ovo će biti zanimljivo
  6. haha i ja uzeh ovih dana da gledam opet, nikad je ne brišem sa harda
  7. misliš na ovo? https://www.facebook.com/events/192983110847668/
  8. A posting on ALICE IN CHAINS' various web sites and social media accounts earlier today offered the title of the band's new studio album up in the form of an anagram. "H V L E N T P S U S D A H I E E O E D T I U R R" Share your decoded messages on Instagram, tagging #AICALBUMTITLE.
  9. http://www.mediaboom.org/384763-pig-destroyer-decibel-100th-issue-anniversary-show-flexi-disc-2013.html
  10. da li je moguće da se ljudi stvarno primaju na to? Brus je to rekao iz zajebancije pošto su to bendovi koje gledamo u Srbiji svake nedelje
  11. Alan priča o Twilight Of The Gods albumu koji treba izađe i novom bendu po imenu Dread Sovereign: još malo o tom novom bendu: http://www.roadburn.com/2013/01/dread-sovereign-ft-primordial-members-to-play-first-ever-live-assault-at-roadburn-2013/
  12. samo za Azaralenu https://soundcloud.com/centurymedia/finntroll-blodsvept/s-y0Fyr
  13. Talvi


    čudan mi omot za njih ali baš me zanima kakvo će biti, očekujem klasu.
  14. Talvi


    evo vam ga http://www.mediaboom.org/384714-vreid-welcome-farewell-2013.html
  15. sjajan intervju
  16. Talvi


    Details of "...And The Seventh His Soul Detesteth", the new album from dark metallers AETERNUS, have just been revealed. The ten-track CD, which will be the band's seventh full-length release, will first appear as a limited edition containing AETERNUS' classic 1995 debut EP, "Dark Sorcery", as a bonus, and is set for release on Dark Essence Records on March 18 worldwide (except for Norway, Germany, Austria and Sweden, where the album will appear on March 22). Formed in Bergen, Norway in 1993 by guitarist and frontman Ares, AETERNUS has re-emerged seven years after the release of their last album "Hexaeon" with a new lineup that comprises Ares on guitars and vocals, Phobos (GRAVDAL, MALSAIN) on drums and Specter on guitars. One of the pioneers of what the band calls "dark metal," AETERNUS' sound combines features from both black metal and death metal with superlative guitar playing and occasional haunting, melodic interludes. "...And The Seventh His Soul Detesteth" was produced by Bjornar E. Nilsen (VULTURE INDUSTRIES, BLACK HOLE GENERATOR) at the Conclave And Earshot studios in Bergen. All music is by AETERNUS, concept and lyrics by HELHEIM's V'gandr. Artwork is by Timo Ketola, known for his work with bands such as for DEATHSPELL OMEGA, ASPHYX, DISSECTION, MARDUK, WATAIN and OPETH, among others, while band photos were taken by Christine Ristesund. The bonus EP, "Dark Sorcery", was recorded, mixed and mastered by Cato Langnes at Hindu Lyd in 1995 and produced by AETERNUS. Lineup on "Dark Sorcery" is Ares on guitars and vocals, Erik (VROLOK) on drums and Ørjan on bass. All music and lyrics by Ares. "...And The Seventh His Soul Detesteth" track listing: 01. There Will Be None 02. ...And The Seventh His Soul Detesteth 03. Spurcitias 04. Ruin And Resurrect 05. The Confusion Of Tongues 06. Hubris 07. Reap What You Saw 08. Saligia 09. The Hand That Severs The Bonds Of Creation 10. The Spirit Of Illumination "Dark Sorcery" (bonus) 01. Black Dust 02. Victory 03. Raven and Blood 04. Nordlys (instrumental)
  17. Talvi


    uzeh večeras ovo da se podsetim pa stavih album da se vrti, 4. put piči na repeat mašinerija
  18. cuclajte jaja sultanima
  19. hahaha skrinšatujte ovo, Kuruz i Rapsodi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUFcJ5Ahew0
  20. i kad sam već u ovom gasu
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