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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Dječaci na Long Night-u, 30. marta u Domu omladine
  2. Pozdrav Azri, koji predvode nekadašnji bubnjar legendarnog zagrebačkog benda Boris Lajner (Leiner) i basista Mišo Hrnjak, nastupiće na Long Night festivalu u subotu 30. marta u Domu omladine Beograda. Nova imena trećeg Long Night-a, koji se održava u tri dvorane DOB-a, su i kragujevački pankeri Čovek bez sluha (ČBS), splitski reperi Dječaci i novosadski rokeri Grejt (Grate). Više www.longplay.rs
  3. ozbiljno jedna od najvećih lepota ikad
  4. Andreas "Vintersorg" Hedlund (VINTERSORG, BORKNAGAR) and Øystein G. Brun (BORKNAGAR mastermind have relaunched CRONIAN and are currently finishing up the production of a new album. Comments Brun: "Due to different reasons, CRONIAN went into hibernation after the release of 'Enterprise' in 2008. We had a tight time schedule and we had to make some priorities that forced us to keep CRONIAN on ice for some years. But the urge for doing another album has been haunting us ever since. "Shortly after the release of BORKNAGAR's 'Urd' in February 2012, we decided to gather some musical and lyrical ideas to see where it would take us. So, during the last year we have been working quite intensely with new material and we are just now about to complete the production of the new album. "The album has evolved to become something vastly greater than we ever dared to hope for; we have outdone our visions and in terms of the music and production it pretty much feels like a leap to a greater division. From our point of view, this album represents both the peak and the culmination of our musical careers combined. The album is grandiose, monumental, diverse, flavored, catchy, heavy, profound, progressive and unique in every aspect. There is simply no better way to put it! "The cover for the new album is already done by the Brazilian visual artist Marcelo Vasco (also been working for SOULFLY, DIMMU BORGIR, BORKNAGAR, SATYRICON, etc.) and again he has proven to be the master of visual wizardry — no less! "CRONIAN is currently unsigned but we are in dialogue with a couple of labels and hope settle things in order to get the album out by summer/early autumn 2013. So for the first time in both our — and joint — careers, we have been able to work under 100% autonomic and independent circumstances in our respective studios — and doing absolutely no compromises in terms of budgets, tight release schedules, supervising A&Rs and so forth. In other words, we have been aiming for perfection and we can't wait to get this bastard out! Songtitles, album title and the cover for the new album will be launched soon — so keep tuned!"
  5. Talvi


  6. ja sam preplakao "Oglas" pre neki dan OVOL'KA JAJA ĆU DA IMAM!
  7. After 2 years, Septic Flesh are preparing material for a new album, which is going to be released again by Season of Mist. Having tasted the success of their last album "The Great Mass", the expectations get higher so the band will make a powerfull come-back and make once again the difference. još jedna jebačina u najavi
  8. Talvi


  9. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    jebite me ako sam znao da je prošle godine izašao drugi The Royal Arch Blaspheme
  10. nego: http://www.deathmetal.org/news/christian-black-metal-band-attacked-by-fans/
  11. Talvi


    ja sam jutros jeo burek i sa mesom i sa sirom, obema stranama za dušu. samo svinjsko prejedanje od rana jutra
  12. https://soundcloud.com/krynofficial/kryn-album-teaser-1
  13. https://www.facebook.com/events/163156627166811/
  14. ja sam preko njih i čuo za Children Of God, izdali su split zajedno. SSOS EP i album su bili pizdarija, imaju zasad 3 nove pesme da se čuju na netu, odlične su
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nthwumpt0Ps
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nthwumpt0Ps najbolja verzija ikad
  17. e inače, uskoro izlazi novi Seven Sisters Of Sleep, molio bih da se to baci ovde čim ga neko opazi.
  18. Unior konza, imam kući masu toga od pre 30 godina, šljaka sve k'o da je juče kupljeno.
  19. opa, novi Children Of God
  20. http://www.last.fm/music/Intracerebrally+Consuming+Cephalalgia+Through+The+Cranium+Macerating+Debrisfucked+Manure+Ingested+Remains+Of+The+Mindfucked+Cataplexic+Wicked+Mankind+Whom+Fistfucked+The+Progenies+From+The+Deepest+Depths+Of+The+Analmaggot+Raped+Human+Pieces+Of+Erotic+Shitmasses+Which+Gave+Birth+To+Worthless+Eunuchs+As+Traverty+For+Cumstained+Whorefaced+Sluts+Enslaved+By+This+Stupid+Society+Full+Of+Fetal+Garbages
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