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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Marduk dobili zlatnu ploču jer je singl išao uz Sweden Rock magazin:
  2. ‘Vertikal’, the new studio album from Sweden’s Cult of Luna, will be released via Indie Recordings in Europe on 25th January and Density Records in the US on 29th January 2013. ‘Vertikal’ marks a much-anticipated return for the band after five years spent cultivating the ideas and directing the influences that have helped form a concept for the album. Distilled throughout are themes of machinery, repetition and clear, linear structures honed to the visual imagery of Fritz Lang’s classic expressionist science-fiction film ‘Metropolis’. The music broods, builds and boils as you may expect from Cult of Luna, but never over-complicates itself or veers from its intentions; it is arguably their finest and most cohesive piece of work to date.
  3. Može li kultnije?
  4. Ja sam tek sad skontao da basista Bleeding Fist fura nadimak Infernal Karburator, kakav bog
  5. Meni super Bloody Hammers iako bi ih pre stavio na doom ili occult rock nego ovde. Prosta svirka, zarazne i direktne pesme, ima šta da se čuje i upamti, meni dosta.
  6. Talvi


    Presekoh se da je zapalio za stalno, neka se oporavlja i piše pa jebiga, koliko god da mu treba.
  7. Nema to nikakve veze, meni će onaj intro za "South Of Heaven" uvek biti ultimativno zlo, pa makar on pevao o gumenim bombonama preko toga. Btw, probaj da slušaš 16 Horsepower ili Woven Hand, tek da čuješ kako mračno zna da zvuči hrišćanska muzika
  8. Koga boli kurac za tekstove?
  9. Nejasno je to još, mene nekako ne bi čudilo da se on ne vrati tamo, videćemo.
  10. Drummer Pedro "Pete" Sandoval's (MORBID ANGEL, TERRORIZER) has released the following statement: "Just wanted to tell you that my recovery [after a 2010 back surgery] is almost 100%. I'm able to play drums, but I don't want to push it doing a tour just yet. However, I am working with Wolf [a.k.a. Anthony Rezhawk; vocals] and Kat [Katina Culture, guitar] on new songs for a new TERRORIZER album, and I'm also recording drums for two RESISTANT CULTURE tracks that will be featured on their upcoming full-length release. Keep an eye out for it, it'll destroy!!!!"
  11. Talvi


    Guitarist Alex Hellid of Swedish metal veterans ENTOMBED is recovering after undergoing "a major operation which thankfully went very well," according to a posting on the band's Facebook page. He is now "looking forward" to continuing to work with the new ENTOMBED album, which is expected sometime next year.
  12. Talvi


    Baš sam nekako slatko nestrpljiv pred ovaj Satyricon, imam osećaj da će da opere onako gospodski.
  13. overiće se ovo, baš da vidim što toliko orgazmirate.
  14. Talvi


    neće zbog tog s u https
  15. Istina, Slejer ima u sebi ono neko zlo koje je van bilo kakve veće čisto zvučne agresije od njih, prosto se oseća.
  16. Talvi


    To kad bi kvalitet uvek išao silaznim putem, ali mi živimo u magičnoj dimenziji gde ti inspiracija dolazi u periodima a ne gubi se sa godinama. Uvek uzimam ovu stvar za primer u ovakvim raspravama: [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkUBu3IoDyU[/media] jebeno nestvarnih 45 godina karijere i likovi samo dođu i jednim potezom obrišu dupe svim ovim modernim rockom, tek tako.
  17. Talvi


    Da si se ti pitao, Motorhead i AC/DC bi se raspali posle 1. albuma.
  18. http://www.mediaboom.org/379518-nektar-a-spoonful-of-time-2012.html
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x7Jic6xrZ4
  20. Talvi


    Dobrim delom je to uspelo jer je singl išao uz magazin, kurac moj bi ga oni tako prodali bez novine.
  21. Talvi


    DAMNATIONS GOLD Marduk have recived a gold award for the single Souls For Belial. The single was released in cooperation with the Swedish magazine Sweden Rock earlier in 2012. The sale has excessed 10 000 copies in Sweden and therfore Marduk has been presented with the gold award. Early 2013 the single will also be released as limited edition on vinyl!
  22. Fino ovo zvuči.
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