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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    U jebote koliko dobar omot kod HM.
  2. imaju novi album http://www.mediaboom.org/379395-cloak-of-altering-ancient-paths-through-timeless-voids-2012.html
  3. http://www.index.hr/gc/profil/858/dina-pandzic.aspx jebote
  4. Izvrteh ovo noćas, odlično je, mnogo bolje od prošla dva. Hvala kurcu pa opet prave refrene koji ti zapravo ostanu u glavi. Ovaj baja je preslikan Khan.
  5. Talvi


    Dobra paralela.
  6. Talvi


    Inače, zasad mi je prošli Shining daleko bolji od ovog, ali idemo dalje.
  7. Talvi


    Watainov problem je što su silovali sami sebe da snime metal klasik za sva vremena, da su se opustili i izrokali k'o iz pičke još jedan album na fazon "Sworn To The Dark" druga bi se pesma danas pevala.
  8. http://www.kupindo.com/Zicani-instrumenti/10817218_Metallica-Trzalica-sa-usca
  9. Naš Bravo je objavio intervju sa Sakisom iz Rotting Christ kad je izašao "Sanctus Diavolos", pa vi vidite
  10. Talvi


    Slažem se, zato mi nije jasna ona Jaretova tvrdnja da ovde bleka ima u tragovima, meni je ovo baš moderni blek skroz.
  11. Čuj slabi oko sredine, "Tod Huetet Uebel" u top AN pesme.
  12. Talvi


    Nemam druge stvari na koje treba davati pare nego kupujem Watain vinile i diskove, jea rajt
  13. Talvi


  14. Talvi


  15. According to Reuters, Poland's Supreme Court has ruled that Adam "Nergal" Darski, frontman for Polish extreme metallers BEHEMOTH, committed a crime when when he called the Catholic Church "the most murderous cult on the planet" during the band's September 2007 performance in Gdynia and tore up a copy of the Bible, calling it "a book of lies." A lower court will now decide if Darski is guilty of the crime, which carries a maximum sentence of two years in jail.
  16. Talvi


    Norwegian black metallers SATYRICON will perform an exclusive and special long set featuring songs from their upcoming album during an appearance at next year's edition of the Inferno festival, set to take place March 27-30, 2013 at the Rockefeller, John Dee, Rock In, Blå, Unholy, Victoria and Revolver venues in Oslo, Norway.
  17. Talvi


    "Two years after we started writing new riffs, our new beast is now complete. It's been a lot of work, but we are utterly pleased with the result. Dark, heavy and VREID are the three keywords to describe it. "The artwork takes us in a new direction this time, and is done by the wizard Kim Holm. His work is spectacular and he has captured the music and lyrics beyond words. "In February the new album will see the light of day, and we can’t wait to unleash it, and come out and play for you again."
  18. Sam Nacht je dovoljan da bude jači.
  19. Meni od starta nije bilo jasno što se ljudima ne sviđa taj album. Tipa, "Volenti non fit iniuria" refren >>>>>>>>> svi refreni na novom albumu jebiga
  20. Mazohisti, idemo http://www.mediaboom.org/379306-geoff-tate-kings-thieves-2012.html
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