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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Kamo lepe sreće da je samo to, ovo je i Roadburn prejebalo opušteno.
  2. Maryland Deathfest 2013, ne otvarajte ako ste slabi sa srcem:
  3. Koliko volim ono kad na 0:24 rif istrči sam, u fazonu "come at me bro!"
  4. Možda se neko seća benda Smallman, spominjali smo ih ovuda negde svojevremeno. Mešavina sludge-a i bugarskog folka, prilično kvalitetno sranje. Uglavnom, sviraju u Gun-u u nedelju sa nekim Australijancima, upad 400 dinara, pa ko voli:
  5. http://www.metalsucks.net/2012/10/08/the-wall-street-journal-premiered-a-new-graveyard-song/
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZxgACaOoAM
  7. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

  8. Prejaka je ona priča u pdf-u, super ide uz muziku. Album sve bolji.
  9. Pa meni je to smrdelo od starta, danas je šutnuli a već sutra Floor upada usred Amerike, spremna i zna sve pesme. A-ha.
  10. Talvi


  11. Talvi


  12. Super je album, bolje su mi pesme u kojima ova riba peva, baš neki ekstra zlokoban glas ima. Prve dve pesme su mi najjače, totalno mogu biti soundtrack za neki balkanski ratni film ili tako neko sranje, jeza baš.
  13. Din Brad - Dor (2012) http://www.mediaboom.org/378353-din-brad-dor-2012.html
  14. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Kakve crne minuse, Okkultokrati su klasa.
  15. gaženje celom dužinom, ludnica
  16. sweet merciful Jesus, kakav riff fest u "Eve". Moram sutra iščitati ovaj pdf sa punom pažnjom.
  17. Njima još peva ona riba? Poznatiji su po njoj nego po muzici mada su ok bili, koliko se sećam
  18. Cult of Luna is returning to tour in 2013, showcasing their first studio album in 5 years: ‘Vertikal’ The album will be released at the beginning of the year, and is thematically influenced by the film ‘Metropolis’: a hypnotic backdrop of machinery and repetition. Before we started writing we were keen to find a theme that in a very direct way could be shown through the music, and we hope to have achieved this. We developed clear structures – very linear, refusing to over complicate the writing process. We realise fans have been waiting for what seems like an age for us to return to the live arena properly, but we were not keen on playing shows before we had the new material ready. There have been changes, and we wanted to come back on our own terms with something completely new. It is very important for us to transpose the idea of a new album into the live setting, to not tread water, and to include the fans in what we’ve been working on; you will be hearing this very soon.
  19. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    We proudly announce that the recording session for our new album is close to the end.A hard but majestic simoultaneously trip for more than 4 months in Deva Soundz studios-Athens have found the band creating maybe its Darkest and more Mystical and Occult outcome ever. Stay tuned for samples and updates. Sakisov engleski ftw
  20. jebanje
  21. Talvi


    To ti je k'o da porediš novu i staru Tristaniju.
  22. Talvi

    BM noviteti

  23. a on treća smena
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