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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Ma gde, nikome u istoriji ćela nije stajala kao njemu.
  2. Do jaja je ona, mnogo istripovanu pojavu ima i peva k'o zmaj.
  3. Perika, pa ćelav je u onoj sceni kad ima kapuljaču na glavi a i na novijim lajv snimcima.
  4. Ja bogovskiji spot odavno ne videh Inače da, pesma na novom EP-u se zove "The Curse Is A Lie" ali je pogrešan tag, tj. samo "The Curse" obišao svet brzinom svetlosti.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fCoz5P3foY
  6. To pitaj Groba.
  7. Carevi iz Prophecy-ja ladno stavili ceo Dordeduh album na yt
  8. jebote
  9. Blizu sam toga
  10. Nisam se 100 godina merio, ali pre će biti oko 60. No, fora je u ovome: http://www.twohundredsquats.com Jako kul program, krenuo sam od 3. nedelje i 4 nedelje kasnije izvukao 200 bez problema, baš ti polako i postepeno pojačava formu a radiš 3 puta nedeljno po 15-tak minuta, ništa zahtevno. Imaju isti takav sajt sa 100 sklekova, i tu sam trijumfalno stigao do cilja i još neka čuda a u najavi je i program za zgibove.
  11. http://www.mediaboom.org/375783-the-69-eyes-x-2012.html
  12. Talvi


  13. Sons of Anarchy actor Johnny Lewis fell to his death from a building in Los Angeles – moments after he allegedly beat his landlady, an 81-year-old woman, to death, authorities say. Lewis, 28, who played Kip "Half-Sack" Epps on the FX show and who once dated Katy Perry, was found lying in a driveway in the Los Feliz neighborhood near Hollywood on Wednesday, while a woman identified as Catherine Davis was found dead of apparently blunt force trauma inside the building. The upstairs part of the building had been ransacked. Police also found the body of a cat that had apparently been beaten. "It’s a terrible tragedy as far as we’re concerned and were digging into the bottom of it," LAPD spokesman Andrew Smith tells PEOPLE. Officers responding to a 911 call of a woman screaming were told that Lewis had fought with two men – it wasn't clear if this was before or after the landlady was killed – and that Lewis died after a fall, possibly from a wall or balcony, according to police. Detectives have concluded that Lewis killed Davis, and they are not looking for any other suspects, says Smith. There was no immediate indication of what the motive for the murder was. Lewis, who also appeared on shows including The O.C., Criminal Minds, Bones and CSI, dated Perry in 2006. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20633996,00.html
  14. Talvi


  15. Tek sad vidim ovo Koristiće podaci, iskopaću ga već nekako, najbolje bi bilo da ga nađem negde u papirnom obliku edit: jea, našao sam sken! evo, ako treba još kome: http://www.comicnet.org/index.php?topic=2546.0
  16. najstrašnija himna ikad
  17. Prvi put u svom patetičnom životu izvlačim 200 čučnjeva iz cuga, feels good man.
  18. Meni je od post-Midian albuma "Nymphetamine" možda najmanje efektan bio, naslovna pesma mi je nekako smučila album iako i tu ima itekako valjanih stvari, tipa "Absinthe With Faust", a sam "Thornography" je meni izrazito dobar album - zabavan, raznovrstan, pun zanimljivih stvari.
  19. Talvi


    Before album 4 expect 1 or 2 free download mp3s.... Coming soon
  20. Šta drugo da pošten čovek sluša u ovo doba nego
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