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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. "We Come In Peace", the new DVD from Swedish industrial metallers PAIN, will be released in Europe on November 2 via Nuclear Blast. The DVD+2CD digibook and the Blu-ray+2CD digibook includes the entire final show of the first leg of PAIN's European tour on November 13, 2011 at Debaser Medis in Stockholm and clips from the band's July 2012 appearance at the Masters Of Rock festival in Vizovice, Czech Republic, as well as "tons of crazy backstage and behind-the-scenes footage." A trailer for "We Come In Peace" can be seen below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R90qXIvAjhg
  2. http://www.deftones.com/main/
  3. Pa ovog DVD-ja povodom 20 godina benda valjda.
  4. op op može, ovo ona prvobitna verzija prvog albuma? Mada mislim da su oni deo ovoga već objavili na "Cat Got Our Tongue".
  5. http://www.mediaboom.org/377352-caspian-waking-season-2012.html
  6. Meni faks počinje upravo tog dana tako da sam više nego skeptičan po pitanju prisustva ovde ali videćemo.
  7. Talvi


  8. Talvi


    I Anaal Nathrakh, da.
  9. Talvi


    Mene više piči radoznalost za Shining, Enslaved već imam viziju kakav će biti i znam da će biti predobar ali me baš zanima šta će one budale da izdaju. Da ne pominjem bogove iz Ouklenda, userem se malo svaki put kad pomislim na to.
  10. Talvi


    Artwork for Shining "Redefining Darkness" exclusive CD + T-shirt preorder package http://www.shininglegions.com/ PLEASE NOTE: This is a pre-order product. The items here will be shipped to you on the 26th of October at the earliest. If you order items together with this package, ALL of your ordered items will be shipped simultaneously on the 26th, not separately. If you want to order something delivered now, please make two separate orders. The limited amount package includes -Shining's new CD "Redefining Darkness" and -the official, strictly limited black girlie lady fit t-shirt, 100% cotton, with text "Redefining Darkness" and noose emblem on front. The shirt is not available anywhere else, nor will it ever be after this preorder has been sold out. CD Tracklist: 1. Du, Mitt Konstverk 2. The Ghastly Silence 3. Han Som Hatar Människan 4. Hail Darkness Hail 5. Det Stora Grå 6. For The God Below
  11. Talvi


  12. da da
  13. Nije ni ovaj moj komentar ispod bolji, isto sam se epski razočarao - doduše, ne kao Grob u MA, ali ipak...
  14. Talvi


    To i jeste fora sa tim Underground Activists Division ogrankom, pošto je SOM baš počeo sa velikim jajima da radi ta grana ostaje za ovu više UG ekipu.
  15. Talvi


    Season of Mist is proud to present the latest addition to the Underground Activists division: True Norwegian Black Metal act KOLDBRANN! “KOLDBRANN are pleased to announce that from this moment on, Season of Mist will be handling our nekrotic business”, vocalist Mannevond states. “As one of the leading dealers of aural blasphemy, we are confident that they will serve as the tool needed to spread our gospel of oppression. We have kept you waiting, but rest assured, we have been striving in our cellars, slowly and persistently chiseling out our utmost arrogant and depraved work to date. Sordid details will follow. The time is ripe, let the end times roll!” The band’s third full-length album should hit the stores early 2013. In the meantime, on November 16th to be exact, KOLDBRANN will unleash “Totalt Sjelelig Bankerott”, a 7” single including a song from the forthcoming album (which title is yet to be unveiled) and an exclusive B side entitled “Kasjtjeijs Svøpe”. The single will also be available digitally. Last but not least, KOLDBRANN’s first two albums “Nekrotisk Inkvisition” and “Moribund”, as well as 2008’s “Stigma: På kant med livet” EP, will be reissued on Season of Mist later on!
  16. Talvi


  17. Nemojmo zaboraviti jednu od najkultnijih saradnji ikada: pa još Attila Csihar na istom albumu, zlo
  18. kakva tema
  19. Ko nije slušao neka overi Arson Anthem - Phil, Hank III i Mike Williams IX u nekoj hc/punk/crust akciji. meni akustike niakd dosta
  20. Ja bih da on opet uradi nešto u Southern Isolation fazonu, pa makar i bez ex-gospođe.
  21. Zvaće se "Walk Through Exits Only", neki ekstremniji zvuk će biti, sviraće mu gitarista Superjoint Ritual-a i bubnjar Warbeast-a. Sad vidim da je odložen za sledeću godinu a izdaće dve pesme u novembru na splitu sa Warbeast.
  22. Južnjački način života jbg, tamo sve ide otegnuto.
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