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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Today I have some very important announcements to make. I normally don't reveal the future road map of Therion. Mostly because there usually isn't any, we just do things. This time, however, there are long-term plans. This is the short version: • We are working on a metal rock opera. It will take a couple of years to realize. Because of that there won't be a regular Therion album for quite a few years. 5 years? 10? Who knows… • I am, (with the help of the Band), making an art project to celebrate the 25-year anniversary of the Band. Releasing a CD is a part of the project and it will initially only be available for purchase from the Band (at live concerts and via the Therion Store) in the form of a special edition. Distribution and licensing will follow of the regular editions. • We won't be doing any regular touring for many years. • There will be a meet and greet with me (and any other members that want to come along) at all European shows. When possible, I will be hanging at the merchandise booth for several hours every day. For you who want more details, here's the longer version: Christofer Johnsson, September 2012
  2. http://www.mediaboom.org/377092-elvenking-era-deluxe-edition-2012.html
  3. Još ne, Južnjaci su to, godinu dana im je trebalo i ovo da izdaju. Zato su i rešili da rade EP-jeve umesto regularnog albuma, 100 godina bi im trebalo a ovako ih pripremaju polako, jedan po jedan.
  4. Pa podeljeni su tematski EP-jevi - biće ih 4 i svaki će biti u drugom fazonu: ovaj je oldschool doomy, jedan će biti akustičan... i tako redom.
  5. Talvi


  6. Talvi


  7. Šmekerski i iskusno, baš kako se i očekivalo.
  9. Talvi


    ahahahah ali Baphomet's Bike tetovaža, sve ti jebem
  10. Talvi

    BM noviteti

  11. Ministry su ipak vlasnici najbednijeg omota koji se zamisliti mogao 2012. godine, mada je i ovo tugica svojevrsna.
  12. Dobra je, jeste više rifovski i straight-forward nego prošli albumi, kao što i najaviše.
  13. Pluščina za Mustafu.
  14. Stvarno se ne sećam ko je bio poslednji, mislim soul wandering.
  15. Norveški Shining, slušao?
  16. http://www.mediaboom.org/377043-skunk-anansie-black-traffic-2012.html
  17. Nunslaughter/Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium [split] (2012) http://www.mediaboom.org/377036-nunslaughter-necrocannibalistic-vomitorium-nunslaughter-necrocannibalistic-vomitorium-split-2012.html
  18. Najverovatnije, čim se udružilo više organizatora za ovo znači da nije bio lak posao.
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