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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Tugica, ali postavlja se pitanje gde bi ovaj paket svirao kad bi svratili ovamo, daleko bilo da i njih bace u Gun kao Soulfly.
  2. santa madre de dios
  3. Talvi


    Znajući kolike su oni paljevine i na regularnim koncertima, mogu samo da zamislim na šta će ova turneja tek da liči. Vredelo bi ih videti negde tad, vaistinu.
  4. Izvolite pesmu pa ripujte: http://a389recordings.bandcamp.com/album/a389-110-eyehategod-new-orleans-is-the-new-vietnam-7
  5. Talvi


    A preview of the official cover artwork for MANOWAR's new studio album, "The Lord Of Steel", can be seen below.
  6. http://www.terrorizer.com/blog1.php/2012/09/07/selected-and-dissected-neurosis-honor-found-in-decay-track-by-track-review-part-1
  7. Talvi


  8. Objasni se onda.
  9. Bend nije kvalitetan jer im poslednji album nije kvalitetan, makes perfect sense.
  10. haha evo i BAN stranicu su šerovali
  11. Progressive rock/metal band CYNIC is working on material for a new full-length album for a tentative early 2013 release. Commented the group: "There's so much music flowing we'd rather follow each inspiration to its conclusion rather than artificially stop once we have a CD's worth of songs and record; like writing from the inside out. Though the songs are taking shape, we're still exploring this new space, letting the music decide and guide us. We are at its mercy."
  12. Candlelight Records has set a November 6 North American release date for "Vanitas", the new album from England's ANAAL NATHRAKH. Produced by Mick Kenney (BLEEDING THROUGH, INGESTED), the CD carries the band's signature and regarded union of black metal and grindcore. ANAAL NATHRAKH's seventh album, "Vanitas" "sounds like someone showing you what the end of the world is like via the medium of a thousand hammers soaked in acid," says vocalist Dave Hunt. Digging into the record particulars, he notes, "It's more articulate and focused than any album before it in way of composition and recording technique. We worked hard and we're convinced it has paid off." "Vanitas" track listing: 01. The Blood-Dimmed Tide 02. Forging Towards The Sunset 03. To Spite The Face 04. Todos Somos Humanos 05. In Coelo Quies, Tout Finis Ici Bas 06. You Can't Save Me, So Stop Fucking Trying 07. Make Glorious The Embrace Of Saturn 08. Feeding The Beast 09. Of Fire, And Fucking Pigs 10. A Metaphor For The Dead
  13. Naleteh na ovo sad, nisam još čuo ali ekipa obećava: Serpentine Path - Serpentine Path (2012) -Ryan Lipynsky – Vocals (The Howling Wind, ex-Thralldom, ex-Unearthly Trance, ex-Villains) -Tim Bagshaw – Guitars (Ramesses, ex-Electric Wizard) -Jay Newman – Bass (ex-Unearthly Trance, ex-Villains, ex-Thralldom) -Darren Verni – Drums (ex-Unearthly Trance) http://www.mediaboom.org/376480-serpentine-path-serpentine-path-2012.html
  15. Da sam lošije raspoložen, za neprepoznavanje tog logoa bi večni ban išao, ali ajde.
  16. Jare, ti beše u Orionu radiš? Daj malo više snalažljivosti sa tim internetom majku mu
  17. Talvi


    http://pornsharia.com/leggy-teen-in-stockings-jewel-loves-anal-sex_v12295#.UEh6WKDrFWk kvalitet
  18. Zato što je bilo 10-2
  19. Fapril je pobedio
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