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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Pošto dadoh pluseve za Henka i Waitsa, da spojimo njih dvojicu:
  2. Tako je, ispamujte čoveku temu od prve strane.
  3. Aesop izgleda snima spot za "Cycles To Gehenna":
  4. Meni se "Ambitions" najviše dojmi zasad.
  5. Tražim sad po forumu i - zar je moguće da se nigde nije pričalo o ovom albumu? Senzacija, jebote.
  6. Jbg, neko je pljuvanje i zaslužio, tipa Hammerfall koji nije izdao kršten album već x godina, a nekad ljudi hejtuju popularne stvari prosto jer je to tako kul valjda. Ghost ti je tipičan primer tog drugog slučaja, ljudi tek prvi album izdali i to stilski identičan onim demo stvarima iz perioda kad su bili baš UG, čak su i iste pesme tu, ali sad iz nekog razloga više nisu kul, yeah right
  7. Talvi


    hahah da da, i ja sam prvo na njega pomislio
  8. Grobe, šutaj ovo na folk
  9. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=178322
  10. Namestiš trzalicu tačno ispod rupe, proturiš ruku pored žica da bi je pritisnuo prstom i obrneš gitaru.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RqJ9blAHHo
  12. Talvi


    "As some of you might've noticed, we'll be releasing a compilation album "XX - Two Decades Of Love Metal" in October 2012, and will end the year by shaking our hips for four nights in a row at the infamous HELLDONE-festival at Tavastia Club in Helsinki. We're also entering the studio in early September with the producer Hiili Hiilesmaa to work on our ninth full-length album, entitled 'Tears On Tape', to be mixed by Tim Palmer and released early 2013.... Ta ta for now, V"
  13. Poslednja stvar mi je najbolja, ovo nije normalno kako gazi.
  14. Ali fora je što je u ovom njihovom note-u Dejv naveden kao basista. Inače da, meni su prva asocijacija na mantikoru Heroji III.
  15. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=manticore
  16. E to, u Sulphurdew kad uhvati da drobi onaj rif, baš prestrašan momenat.
  17. Siroviji, više rifovski album od prvog dela. Bas baš krlja a sami rifovi su stonerski, imaju malo onaj Karma To Burn filing. Ponovo lagana i kontinuirana vožnja, klizi album skroz.
  18. Talvi


    "I think he must be back on drugs to even think what he is saying makes any sense," TESTAMENT frontman Chuck Billy, whose band has toured with MEGADETH many times before, told New York's Daily News.
  19. Kaže zvanični fejs: CRADLE OF FILTH have announced an October 30th North American release date for the band’s 10th studio album, The Manticore & Other Horrors, out just in time for Halloween courtesy of Nuclear Blast USA. European release date TBA shortly. Commented the band’s infamous front man, Dani Filth, “This is our 10th commandment in metal. We have diversified and kept alive the spirit of this band and breathed it into something that I can proudly say, slays like an absolute motherf**ker. The Manticore is coming… Long live the filth!” Recorded in eight weeks at both Springvale and Grindstone studios (where it was also mixed by Scott Atkins), Suffolk, the album is a testament to the longevity of The 'Filth, as not only does it reek of Cradle's (feared or revered) brand of delicious metal vamperotica, but this thoroughly modern album places the band firmly in fresh killing fields anew. The Manticore & Other Horrors itself possesses an altogether new atmosphere for the band, incorporating a heavier, faster NWOBBM punk vibe that is both current and cruel, blended with ornate orchestration and the quirky immediateness of 2000's Midian opus. The album’s title can be likened to a bestiary, a collection of stories on monsters - personal demons, Chimeras, literary fiends and world-enslaving entities to blame but a few. “Manticore,” the ravening title track, is a song about a beautiful mythological horror that comes to be feared as the disfigurehead of foreign occupation in the Indian provinces. The songs “Illicitus” and “Pallid Reflection” bare the sweet ingredients of vampirism and lycanthropy; the wicked “For Your Vulgar Delectation” and “Frost On Her Pillow” are woven perversely into grim fairy tales, whilst classic, monumental tracks like “The Abhorrent and Siding With The Titans” both extol tentacular Lovecraftian values. CRADLE OF FILTH will spread its darkness upon European lands with a tour throughout November and December. Stay tuned for more information on Cradle Of Filth and The Manticore & Other Horrors. Cradle Of Filth members: Dani Filth - vocals Paul Allender - guitar James McIlroy - guitar David Pybus - bass Martin Skaroupka - drums
  20. DERI http://www.mediaboom.org/375808-ufomammut-oro-opus-alter-2012.html
  21. Danas samo nostalgija:
  22. http://dysrhythmia.stereokiller.com/ Ovi okačiše skoro ceo album
  23. Talvi


  24. Talvi


    Pa jebem li ga, meni je OAC baš nekako duhovni nastavak DMDS-a, samo još crnji i haotičniji.
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