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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Pa jebem li ga, meni je OAC baš nekako duhovni nastavak DMDS-a, samo još crnji i haotičniji.
  2. Talvi


    Ne seri već obrni OAC kao čovek Opušteno među najmračnije albume ikada snimljene, tj. "ubistvo muzike" kako Blasphemer fino reče.
  3. Talvi


    Pa oni su već sa Declaration-om doživeli takvo pljuvanje, masa je tad baš popizdela zbog tog albuma. Mada, ja i na OAC gledam kao na svojevrstan skepriment i uopšteno nikako ne gledam na Mayhem kao na bend koji nije sklon tome čak naprotiv, ako je iko otvarao nova vrata u black metalu - oni su.
  4. According to a blog post published roughly three hours ago by Dillinger Escape Plan frontman Greg Puciato, longtime rhythm guitarist Jeff Tuttle has left The Dillinger Escape Plan. He’d been with the band for five years, which in DEP Years is basically a lifetime. Here’s the post: A Message To DEP Guitarist Jeff Tuttle I’d like to take a second to give a personal thank you to Jeff Tuttle, a great musician who became a great friend and who has given The Dillinger Escape Plan his all over the last six years, and who now needs to follow his inner compass as it takes him towards other pursuits. This band isn’t always easy to be in, mentally, emotionally, and definitely not physically, and Jeff always stepped up in every situation and crushed anything this animal of a band demanded of him. Jeff, it’s been a pleasure having you in the trenches with us, and having you as a friend. You’ve been there through serious shit in my life and been a good ear on tour and a voice of reason whenever I’ve been losing my mind from personal issues, been a partner whenever I’ve decided that I wanted to do some insane 4am workout in a parking lot, and a fellow eater of breakfast at any time of day. I’m proud to have had you in the band and glad to have shared part of this crazy journey with you. You’ve scarred my mind with some of the most disturbing movies I’ve ever witnessed, and I hope to one day watch one that you make. Everyone give Jeff a round of applause for nearly killing himself onstage with us every night, and for somehow not ever attempting to kill the rest of us…I know we aren’t always easy to deal with. Thanks Jeff.
  5. Talvi


    Mislim da bi njima realno najteže bilo da sad probaju da nastave u OAC pravcu, možda bi mogli da probaju otići više u neke eksperimentalnije dark ambient tripove kad već imaju onog manijaka za mikrofonom ili da urade neki direktniji, više rifovski album na fazon DMDS strukture pesama pa šta bude... Jebem li ga, ovi ljudi su dostigli apsolutni vrhunac black metala pa je sad jako teško provaliti šta i kako dalje.
  6. Ko ga ne bi kupio?
  7. opaaaaaaaa http://www.mediaboom.org/375761-scott-kelly-and-the-road-home-the-forgiven-ghost-in-me-2012.html
  8. Skroz generički, nula kreativnosti uloženo u omot. Čak i boje predvidljive do bola.
  9. Talvi


    Brate, to još nije izašlo fizički? Previše su razvukli to.
  10. Talvi


  11. edit: haha, istovremeno
  12. Je li bilo ovo? http://www.mediaboom.org/375751-snowy-shaw-snowy-shaw-is-alive-2012.html 01. Black Funeral 03:00 02. Typhon 06:50 03. Book Of Heavy Metal 05:54 04. Introduxtion De La Ronque 00:46 05. Whether With Or Without 03:09 06. Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse 03:26 07. Blacksmith & Co 02:33 08. Man Or Mouse 04:07 09. The Candle 06:09 10. Bouffoon Bloody Bouffoon 02:47 11. The Rhyme - Seeds Of Hatred 08:19 12. I Want You To Want Me 04:39 13. The Medley 12:16 14. The Fashionista 05:48 15. Eye Of The Witch 05:23 16. Sleepless Nights 05:18 17. Singh Hai 04:22 18. Vlad The Impaler 06:20 19. To Mega Therion 07:40 Line-up: Snowy Shaw - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Percussion (ex-King Diamond, ex-Mercyful Fate, ex-Cans, ex-Dimmu Borgir (session), Therion (live), Dream Evil) Kristian Niemann - Guitar (ex-Therion) Hellinor Asp - Bass, Vocals (Hellinor) Mannequin D Sade - Drums (Notre Dame) Guest Musicians: Thomas Vikström - Vocals (ex-Candlemass, ex-Therion (live)) (19) Mats Levén - Vocals (19) Andy La Rocque - Guitar (King Diamond, ex-Death) (5, 15, 16) Mike Wead - Guitar (King Diamond, Mercyful Fate) (11, 16) Hal Patino - Bass (King Diamond, Pretty Maids (live)) (15, 16)
  13. Zapravo, emo i screamo su mnogo stariji žanrovi nego što većina misli.
  14. Talvi


    Mene zanima i kad će Blasphemer da objavi onaj black projekat o kojem mi je pripovedao.
  15. Talvi


    Dosta sranja: TeePee of Total Rock Radio conducted an interview with Jørn Stubberud, best known as the bassist in the legendary Norwegian black metal band MAYHEM (where he performs under the stage name Necrobutcher), at this year's edition of the Bloodstock Open Air festival, which was held August 9-12 at Catton Park, Derbyshire in the United Kingdom. You can now watch the chat below. Asked if MAYHEM has begun working on material for the follow-up to 2007's "Ordo Ad Chao", Stubberud said, "I think that we are not a traditional band in that matter, that we make an album every year and then do a tour with that. 'Cause we don't feel it's necessary to do that — we do an album when we feel like doing an album. It's true — all the guys have some other projects also; like Hellhammer [drums] has ARCTURUS, Attila [Csihar, vocals] has VOID OV VOICES and SUNN O))). It takes time to come up with some good stuff, and we don't wanna rush anything. But we are now, actually, working on some new stuff. It's very hard to say [when the next CD will be released], but we are currently working on some new material and we have a plan to do something that will kick us in the ass a little bit. It's too long a story to go into that [right now]. . . We're waiting for the right inspiration, but having a blast in the meantime, too — travelling around the world and playing."
  16. http://www.mediaboom.org/375743-eluveitie-the-early-years-2012.html
  17. Fleshgod Apocalypse, najgori bend u istoriji
  18. evo je pička
  19. Talvi


  20. Talvi


    Ne bi me čudilo da je on uvrteo sebi u glavu da ima potencijala za predsednika, pokušava da se nametne republikancima ovako.
  21. http://www.mediaboom.org/375721-mono-for-my-parents-2012.html
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