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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Ja se ne bih preterano bunio u tom slučaju, fino njima stoji taj dark rock fazon.
  2. http://www.mediaboom.org/375630-beardfish-the-void-2012.html
  3. Mislio sam da ćeš od Exodusa izdvojiti "Tempo". I ja volim takvu produkciju u thrashu kao i Tankardov "B-day" i "Beast", Onslaught-ov "Killing Peace", daj da sve zvoni i puca, mani me filozofije i nostalgije.
  4. Kapiram da će ovde biti najzanimljivija priča o black/death produkciji. "Now, Diabolical" i "The Age Of Nero" su meni recimo baš savršeno isproducirani, naročito bubanj. DMDS isto ima produkciju savršenu za takav zvuk, "Filosofem", "Ordo Ad Chao", "Rom 5:12", "The Cult Is Alive"; "Engram", Ulverov "Nattens Madrigal" mi je genijalan baš takav kakav je, kao apsolutna "boli nas kurac kako će se ovo vama svideti" kršina. Grčka škola produkcije u black zvuku mi je uvek bila vrh. Jako volim zvuk na "Tomb Of The Mutilated" što se death metala tiče, baš je specifičan nekako. Fukpig za prljavštinu. Behemoth budževinu uvek mogu da slušam. Ne znam koliko nas još ima, ali ja obožavam onaj zvuk bubnja na Vader-ovom "Litany"-ju. Crowbar-ov "Sonic Excess..." mi je super, mada to nema veze sa black/death tripom ali setih se sad. "Tales From The Thousand Lakes" za kult. Najbolji zvuk na live albumu mi ima "Emperial Live Ceremony", mada to mi je i omiljeni lajv generalno pa nisam baš objektivan. ovo onako iz glave izlupah a setiću se još toga, sigurno.
  5. Kad smo već kod toga: Former THE HAUNTED frontman Peter Dolving has launched a new "touring entity" which will perform songs from all of his past and present projects, including MARY BEATS JANE, THE HAUNTED, ZEN MONKEY and BRINGTHEWARHOME. Dubbed HOUSE OF DOLVING, the new band — which will be "up and rolling by November," according to the singer — will consist of the following musicians: * Peter Dolving (THE HAUNTED, MARY BEATS JANE) - Vocals * Johan Reivén (LOK, IN A PIGS EYE, THÅSTRÖM) - Bass * Peter Asp (BOMBUS, MARY BEATS JANE, STILLBORN, IS 9) - Drums * Thomas Brandt (LOK) – Guitar
  6. Talvi


    Evo ih te dve nove: http://www.mediaboom.org/375617-cryptopsy-cryptopsy-promo-2012.html
  7. Talvi


    Sweden’s SHINING have today announced that their new album will be called “Redefining Darkness”. Unlike all previous SHINING albums “Redefining Darkness”, which will be the band’s eighth full-length release, will not preface its title with a number. According to founder and front man Niklas Kvarforth “The use of numbers to describe our albums is no longer something that SHINING is interested in doing. The new album is without a doubt the darkest thing I have ever done or heard. People will be upset for sure – and hopefully its divine genius will destroy the lives of thousands”. “Redefining Darkness” is set for release on Spinefarm Records International later this year. In other news from the band, a new website has been set up at www.shiningasylum.com
  8. NEUROSIS unveil the title of their eleventh full-length studio creation, which will manifest itself as Honor Found In Decay. http://www.earsplitcompound.com/site/2012/08/13/neurosis-title-of-eleventh-full-length-from-musical-pioneers-revealed/
  9. http://pitchfork.com/news/47455-death-grips-announce-new-album/
  10. Talvi


  11. https://www.facebook.com/notes/peter-dolving/why-i-left-the-haunted/10151018059864542
  12. Kažu ovi da se novi album piše i da će ga opet raditi sa Swano-m.
  13. Talvi


    Asked whether OPETH has begun work on the follow-up to last year's "Heritage" album, Mikael replied, "I've been writing a little. I'm going on a trip soon — next week — on my own, actually, which I've never done before. I'm gonna bring the guitar and write some stuff, hopefully. But I think we're still touring, and we still have another European tour coming up in the fall. And that kind of prevents me from getting too into the work — the creative process. I'm gonna start writing more from real once we finish the tour. 'Cause I don't have much."
  14. Talvi


    Obrati se našem dragom modu Pilencetu, on ih štampa.
  15. Na zvaničnom fejsu i sajtu im još stoji Dejv kao basista, jebem li ga.
  16. Pričajte vi šta hoćete, ali "Abrahadabra" je super album i totalno osveženje posle prethodna dva.
  17. Počela turneja: Children of the Sun Anabasis Opium Sanvean Rakim All in Good Time Return of the She-King The Host of Seraphim Dreams Made Flesh Amnesia Nierika Encore: The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove Encore 2: Ime Prezakias Encore 3: Song of the Siren
  18. Al' je izrasla.
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