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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. http://www.metalsucks.net/2012/07/06/cattle-decapitations-travis-ryan-the-metalsucks-interview/
  2. ^ Taj rad, tek nešto malo kiše, grmi i tutnji u daljini ali struje će nestati sigurno.
  3. Što ovi Septic Christ imaju grčko ime.
  4. Talvi


    Ne verujem da misle na trens kao žanr.
  5. Talvi


    Polish extreme metallers HATE have entered Sound Division Studio in Warsaw with Filip "Heinrich" Halucha (VESANIA, DECAPITATED) and Arek "Malta" Malczewski (BEHEMOTH's sound guy) to begin recording their new album, "Solarflesh", for a January 2013 release via Napalm Records. Commented HATE guitarist/vocalist Adam "ATF Sinner" Buszko: “We are aware that 'Solarflesh' is going to be our sickest, most hypnotic and diverse album up to date — the biggest challenge and definitely new chapter in our career. It’s not just like recording another album… it's a real transition! "On this album we definitely explore new territories and push the boundaries of this beautiful and sick genre to its absolute limits! The material contains 12 collages. Most of them are insanely fast (270 bpm). Others are groovy, trance-like mantras that seem to haunt you forever. They all have rich background of samples and other elements that make them sound multidimensional. We also have several dark, ambient compositions that seem like complete avantgarde. I've been working on them with Michal Staczkun, the guy who did excellent job on our previous album, 'Erebos'. We are also working on a few songs with Androniki Skoula, a singer from Greece, known for her involvement in the band CHAOSTAR, as well as collaboration with SEPTICFLESH and ROTTING CHRIST. She's adding some 'Hellenic' flair to the songs that makes them even more elaborate."
  6. Pa ono, zasad znamo 4 stvari od 10 a ona prva na tracklistu mi po nazivu vuče na nekakav intro.
  7. On je u startu najavio Ministry meets Burzum stil tako da mene ne čudi nedostatak brzine, ljudi se mnogo hvataju za taj "storm" deo.
  8. Talvi


    It's just you.
  9. Nigde se nije pojavio kršten rip još, ali imaš ovde ceo EP okačen: http://www.youtube.c...s?query=kundera Meni se sviđa, "Dajem vuka" možda najbolja.
  10. Pa normalno.
  11. Meni baš taj deo do jaja.
  12. Talvi

    Blut aus Nord

    Blut Aus Nord - What Once Was... Liber II Gatefold 12" LP !! The parallel journey continue !! Comes in "fake leather" rigid gatefold cover with gold hot foil print. AVAILABLE NOW FROM www.eitrin.com Ja se nadah novoj pesmi ili tako nečemu jbg ali ajde, i ovo je od koristi vest.
  13. Talvi

    Blut aus Nord

    E do kurca, nije u vezi novog albuma.
  14. Pored onih koje smo već čuli, favoriti zasad "Psalms Alive" i "Foolsong".
  15. http://media.nuclearblast.de/bands/games/sabaton/index.php
  16. Zajebavanje sa vinjakom samo odaje anonimnost u alkoholizmu. Srpski viski, neprevaziđeni kult.
  17. Pa na flaše sam i mislio.
  18. Ne dao ti bog da se pijan polomiš niz to, ode sve u kurac.
  19. Čibe tamo, nama ovde treba kiša za useve, šta će vama? Da vam o'ladi beton?
  20. Ovde se sad nešto kao naoblačilo.
  21. Talvi


    Izvol'te live: http://www.mediaboom.org/373844-morgoth-cursed-to-live-2012.html
  22. Talvi

    Blut aus Nord

    op op Debemur Morti Productions ‎Blut Aus Nord maniacs out there.... you better stay tuned.... within the next hour or two.... something will come !
  23. Što volim onu Gentleman's Choice stranicu na fejsu:
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