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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Jebote kakva albumčina, uz Ufomammut mi je ovo nešto najbolje ove godine. Ona poslednja stvar je nebeska.
  2. Ukratko, na metal-archives forumu je neko rekao da je Dejv izjavio kako je sa bendom gotovo a onda je lik sa Akercocke foruma blizak bendu rekao
  3. Nije potvrđeno to za raspad, ljudi bliski bendu su nedavno rekli da to nije tačno.
  4. Talvi


    Kupiću jednom najjače ozvučenje ikad sa basovima da kidaju bubrege samo da bih slušao Om, uvek se osetim malo krivim kad ih slušam na ovim standardnim zvučnicima.
  5. Talvi


    IDEMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO http://www.mediaboom.org/373181-om-advaitic-songs-2012.html
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy5cMFHbXzY
  7. http://www.chinasmack.com/2010/pictures/filthy-india-photos-chinese-netizen-reactions.html
  8. Talvi


    jebeš te podgojene buržuje, samo tela izmučena tabletama i alkoholom:
  9. Talvi


  10. Pa ja sam ripovao sa onog linka na prošloj strani, nema regularnog linka još nigde.
  11. Je l' zna neko šta se dešava sa Soilent Green, živi li su?
  12. wut
  13. Talvi


    Ovih dana kosa na 6mm, brada malo duža, samo sirovina.
  14. Pa Blagi i jeste izneo utiske oko muzike. Sa kojima se slažem, Dying Fetus za one sa jeftinijim ulaznicama.
  15. 01 Dawn Over the Ruin of Jerusalem 02 Silencing Machine 03 And I Control You 04 The Lepers of Destitution 05 Borrowed Hope and Broken Dreams 06 I Wait in Hell 07 Decimation Annihilation 08 Reduced to Ashes 09 Give Me the Grave 10 These Rooms In Which We Weep
  16. Ne znam da li je bilo negde: Dawnbringer - Into The Lair Of The Sun God (2012) http://www.mediaboom...n-god-2012.html [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etCCzTbLW-Y[/media]
  17. Objasnili su sa tribute-om, fenomenalne obrade.
  18. nešto divlje:
  19. Da stvar bude još bolja, i Kelly-jev solo album izlazi ove godine, zvaće se "The Forgiven Ghost in Me".
  20. Kad smo kod tih tripova, meni je bolja ona kuja iz In This Moment:
  21. Kakva je kraljina ovaj Dukes.
  22. Swedish singer Tommy Karevik (SEVENTH WONDER), who recently joined American/German symphonic metallers KAMELOT as the replacement for Roy Khan, has released the following statement regarding his addition to the band: "It is not a secret that I have been in close contact with the KAMELOT crew for some time now. I played with them on ProgPower 2010 and I joined them on the European part of the tour in the spring of 2011. I learned a lot from this experience and had a great time together with the guys. Of course, musically, it is a bit different from the SEVENTH WONDER style, but to me, that is also what makes it interesting and challenging. Over the past months I have come to love the music and the vibe of the band and when I finally and officially was asked to join as the singer and full-blown member of KAMELOT, I was very happy and gladly accepted! This is something I am really proud of and something I am looking forward to making my own. However, I do want to say this... and this is very important to me... I will not leave SEVENTH WONDER! The SEVENTH WONDER guys and all of you fantastic and supportive fans out there will not get rid of me so easily! I love you all and you are the reason I got to where I am today! We are already working on some stuff for the next SEVENTH WONDER album and really can't wait to show it to you all!"
  23. Dajte sliku tog basiste.
  24. Pa da, rekli su da po Evropi ove godine piče ceo album.
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