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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Kakav masakr sinoć, sunce ti jebem. Ne sećam se tačnog redosleda, pa ću samo da nabacam sve što je bilo: istina (kao intro) govno je na vatri (ova jeste bila prva) svodničin h323 kralj ribara kamiondžije liu kang narodna meko sranje punjene paprike ubij se the govno maci cigan lovrinac dalmacija siromašan leteće sranje ZGB deblo after u zatvoru za bebu bis: krek kuća miris lovrinac (opet ) vrh je atmosfera bila, oko 500 ljudi, baš su se iznenadili likovi koliko ih je volela masa. I da, rispekt za bubnjara u High On Fire majici
  2. Jessss, tema za mene.
  3. Sa ove strane okeana Hellfest je prejebao sve živo i mrtvo, ovo manje boli nekako
  4. Ja dolazim naveče kolima, dakle otpišite me iz ovoga sem ako se ne okupljate ispred Doma omladine.
  5. Talvi

    Virgin Steele

    U.S. power metallers VIRGIN STEELE are recording their new album for a tentatively late 2012 release. According to vocalist David DeFeis, the band is also recording the various bonus tracks that will be made available with the upcoming reissues of the group's catalog. David says, "We are really working on what will be the next three albums, because there are quite a lot of songs. We are trying to capture everything as the inspiration comes. As regards what the new album will be all about, I prefer to wait a bit to give you more information, as I am still writing, and I am waiting to see how the latest music develops. Once I know exactly what tracks it will contain, I will then be in a better position to describe it to you. But I can tell you that at the moment there are three different… let's call them 'song cycles' or song collections. Two of them could be conceived as conceptual, while the third consists of separate unrelated material. We are essentially trying to record everything before committing completely to what we will release first. It will all come out… it's just a question of what will be first."
  6. The band is now working on their 30th anniversary album that will be released in November 2012 via Nuclear Blast!
  7. http://www.metalsucks.net/2012/06/08/breaking-wrest-arrested-again/
  8. Mnogo si ti nešto počela da se eksponiraš.
  9. Tu pesmu je bolje ne dirati jer je toliko savršena da bolje ispasti ne može. Čak su je i Primordial samo citirali.
  10. Eno na Soulseek-u ga samo u ovom trenutku šeruje 5 ljudi.
  11. Nergal i Maciej opet sarađuju na Maciejevom country albumu: Dobra je obrada, znao sam da je Nergal moj čovek još kad je šerovao Henka III na fejsu.
  12. Talvi


    Here is the artwork for our upcoming release! By: Mircea Gabriel Eftemie http://www.eftemie.com/ Track Listing 1- Two-Pound Torch 2- Shag Harbour's Visitors 3- Red-Skinned Scapegoat 4- Damned Draft Dodgers 5- Amputated Enigma 6- The Golden Square Mile 7- Ominous 8- Cleansing the Hosts
  13. Prioriteti se moraju imati jbg, Laibach se poslednji put gledao pre manje od godinu dana.
  14. Talvi


    Može već duže vreme, znam da su Electric Wizard imali to još letos negde ako ne i ranije.
  15. Bilo bi kul da Mizar odsviraju svoju legendarnu verziju "Sweet Dreams" i ispišaju se po Mensonu malo.
  16. Videću da iskopam na Soulseek-u samo tu stvar, jezivo me mrzi da skidam sve.
  17. Kapiram da Mats jebeno peva "Black Dwarf", nekako mi zvuči kao stvar za njega.
  18. Talvi


    Evo, životari se nekako.
  19. Talvi


    E ćao.
  20. Talvi

    Holy Moses

  21. Talvi

    Holy Moses

    Evo ga najzad: http://www.mediaboom.org/366047-holy-moses-30th-anniversary-in-the-power-of-now.html
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