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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    op op
  2. Gde ne bi skontali, jesi normalan?
  3. Ne znam što ti je tako odbojan AVV.
  4. Pa eksperimentisao je on sa elektronikom i ranije, nije to ništa novo. Meni se sviđa ovaj ritam, baš ima neki post-punk osećaj.
  5. http://www.muzika.hr/clanak/36751/vijesti/urban-4-pustili-kunderu-iz-izolacije-audio-teaser.aspx
  6. DEVIL, the Norwegian heavy doom rock band featuring members of VESEN, RIKETS CRUST, CEASE.AND.DESIST, FUCK YOU ALL and FAUSTCOVEN, has issued the following update: "We're glad to announce that we survived this and last year's festivals and gigs, and even though it was a blast all the way, we have now decided to focus on our next album which we've called, 'Gather The Sinners'. It will be released once again on the fine Soulseller Records, hopefully this year. We are from now on concentrating fully on the album, and will therefore not be seen much on stage until late this year. However, we know that fans of DEVIL and 'Time To Repent' also will love 'Gather The Sinners', as it will be another trip down heavy metal memory lane, and the authenticity and evil cheerfulness is still very much represented. To show you just what we're aiming at, we're proud to present a sneak preview filmed live at Roadburn of the song 'They Pale' [see video below], which will be featured on 'Gather The Sinners'. We hope you enjoy this, and look forward to the album just as we do."
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auUcv9-nY5o 3:32
  9. govno
  10. Ja nemam nikakve zamerke na prethodne albume, samo bi ovaj mogao biti bolji.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA8H_Mnfilw
  12. Swedish dark rockers KATATONIA have set "Born From Nothing" as the title of their new album, tentatively due in September via Peaceville Records. Gle, samo iskopirah a ispade mi boldovano, uz novi forum pišem kao Lu.
  13. Pričalo se već o ovima ali nisu dostojno ispoštovani pa idemo opet: Horse Latitudes (uzeli ime po The Doors pesmi) su doom/sludge/drone bend iz Finske i sviraju u postavi bubnjar/pevač, basista i basistkinja, dakle bez gitara ali basovi toliko duboko režu da se to uopšte ne primeti. Prilično mračno, sjebano i psihodelično sveukupno, jako zanimljiva svirka. Zasad imaju jedan demo, dva albuma i split sa Hooded Menace, pa ko voli nek' izvoli: 2010 - Horse Latitudes (Demo): http://horselatitude...album/demo-2010 2010 - Gathering: http://www.mediafire...dk9xs1uigu9ra5j 2012 - Hooded Menace & Horse Latitudes (Split): http://rghost.net/36996098 2012 - Awakening: http://depositfiles....files/dr8gy08pf DOOM
  14. Meni se sviđa.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mxUNckum5g
  16. Talvi


  17. Talvi


  18. http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/news/tesseract-exclusive-tesseract-dream-brother-premiere/
  19. Talvi


    Za to ti treba neka bogata baba, sine.
  20. Carach Angren - Where The Corpses Sink Forever (2012)
  21. Basista Naer Matarona će biti poslanik one naci partije u Grčkoj.
  22. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Pa nikakvog posebno, nije meni neka kombinacija taj black/industrial trip sem N.K.V.D. i tako tih militantnijih fazona.
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