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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    U, seksi.
  2. Moraću da overim, jebeš ga.
  3. Ako je na fazon prošlog, mora da valja. Ima li sitara?
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2AgZxoWxwM
  5. Dobra skroz.
  6. Pa piše ti, late summer / autumn 2012
  7. Talvi


    Danish extreme metallers ILLDISPOSED will enter Antfarm Studio in Århus, Denmark on May 18 with producer Tue Madsen (MOONSPELL, DARK TRANQUILLITY, GOREFEST, SICK OF IT ALL) to begin recording their new album for a late 2012 release.
  8. Talvi


    wut, otkud ovo?
  9. Kačiš na "Najjebozovnijim muškarcima" sliku lika i kažeš da liči na tvoju cimerku, muški mozak prosto radi tako.
  10. I BAM - sad ceo forum zamišlja tebe kako se intimiziraš sa cimerkom.
  11. Talvi


    O, da! Jare, javi se
  12. Talvi


    Ja bio u "Blicu" za Exit 2005, kolor fotka
  13. Ajd' ovde: Phobia - Remnants Of Filth (2012)
  15. Jon: "We will start songwriting in the fall this year and will continue that, and the subsequent production for the new album, in between and around upcoming tour plans for the remainder of 2012-2013. Busy, focused, and energizing times lie ahead, but we are stoked and ready! Count on it!
  16. Talvi


    Meni šljaka, baš ga malopre rabih.
  17. Što si ti neka mračna žena. Ajde onda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5xnRDoUNH8
  18. Nova Year Of The Goat stvar: http://soundcloud.com/v-n-records/year-of-the-goat-this-will-be
  19. To neki nastavak one "jebo te ..." sage sa fejsa?
  20. Sad još reci da nisi slušao Katatoniju i da se svemir uruši.
  21. "One Second" za hitove.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQr6T3hay-o
  23. Poslednji? Sjajan.
  24. Talvi


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