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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. 01. Further South 02. Aeons Elapse 03. Deliverance (Shouting At The Dead) 04. Antarctica The Polymorphess 05. Fathoms Deep Below 06. The Giant 07. Time's Like Molten Lead (digipak and vinyl bonus track) 08. Evening Star (vinyl-only bonus track)
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS4-WQsNepg
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf9lvU8_JUo
  4. First day of shooting for White Skies (Omega White) is over. Thanks to all the great team for a day well spent rocking in darkness!!! You will be updated of the release of this video but do not forget LICKANTHROPE video comes out next Friday, the 13th. Hear the howling...
  5. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Lucifugum - Od Omut Serpenti (2012)
  6. Kačio sam ja tu ribu svojevremeno, iskopaću ime. E da, Martina Valkova.
  7. Messer Chups otkrivaju black metal.
  8. jao jebem ti hahahaha
  9. Seksi.
  10. Uzjebimo situaciju: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6VZji70p_o
  11. Pokušava da te navede pa da te spopadne tokom svirke. Ja znam za Fields Of Locust jer imaju fenomenalnu sliku na last.fm-u pa sam im naletao više puta na stranicu.
  12. Talvi


    Stockholm, Sweden-based label Threeman Recordings, which is owned and run by members of ENTOMBED, recently launched a new collaboration with Ninetone Records. The first release under this arrangement will be a single for the re-recorded version of the song "Amok" from ENTOMBED's 2007 album, "Serpent Saints - The Ten Amendments", produced by Patrik Frisk (CORRODED). A May 23 release is expected.
  13. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Faustcoven - Hellfire And Funeral Bells (2012)
  14. ^ http://wizzzeman.ifolder.ru/29604579
  15. I meni je to smor, šta ja znam, bar jedna osoba mi treba. Inače, moraću da svratim na neka od ovih dešavanja kad budem blizu Bg-a.
  16. Još ništa
  17. http://truecultheavymetal.com/blog1.php/2012/04/10/exclusive-new-wolfbrigade-track
  18. Talvi


    Bio bi, ali mi se ne čini jednostavnim za izvesti.
  19. Talvi


    Pa ono, Ulver koncerti se već neko vreme redovno završavaju black pesmama.
  20. Laibach je na Exitu letos bio takva pizdarija sa novom postavom i rearanžiranim starim pesmama da bih ja ono svaki dan mogao da gledam.
  21. Year of No Light & Altar of Plagues - Split (2012) Kakav nekro omot.
  22. Poslednjeg dana su Gansi i Wolfmother.
  23. Talvi


    Ovaj trailer i to ime benda su nešto najjadnije ikad, hahahah
  24. Evo ja ću, stani.
  25. Talvi


    punjene paprike >>> punjene tikvice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sarma, nešto najgore ikad
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