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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    E jbg sad, tebe sve podseća na ukrajinske NS bendove.
  2. Nova stvar: http://www.mediaboom.org/365338-dragonforce-the-power-within-new-track-2012.html
  3. Talvi


    E jbg, da jesi znao bi kako album može biti odličan iako ga zatvaraju dve najblaže rečeno "čudne" pesme u ukupnom trajanju od 23 minuta.
  4. Talvi


    hint: The Devil's Blood i njihov završetak poslednjeg albuma.
  5. Talvi


    Ako mi je prvih 8 bilo odlično na prvi sluš te poslednje 3 mi mogu biti kakve 'oće, veruj mi.
  6. Talvi


    Pri kraju sam, dosta da stvorim početnu sliku.
  7. Talvi


    Na prvo slušanje odličan.
  8. Reče Jimmy u novom intervjuu da će se EP verovatno zvati prosto "Down IV", početkom maja se očekuje.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OK1HRqP-fg
  10. Talvi


    U.D.O., the German metal band led by former ACCEPT frontman Udo Dirkschneider, will release a "rare-tracks" album with some very special gems for the fans. Entitled "Celebrator", the effort will be made available on May 4 via AFM Records. The full track listing will be announced next week. Check out the cover artwork below.
  11. Taman da se za kraj godine ispisa po svim nebitnim albumima koji ce izaci pre njega.
  12. Hi to all, today is a great and very important day for our band. We are finally proud to present the new singer of RHAPSODY to the world, the person who, thanks to his unique vocal talent, will contribute to the artistic perspectives of the band in the years to come. The secret is finally revealed: the new singer is Italian and his name is ALESSANDRO CONTI. “Alessandro is the singer of our band since many months already but we wanted to present him in the way he deserves, and this means: through his voice!” says Luca Turilli, and adds: “We wanted to find a singer able to sing in different ways and offering different “colors”. Such ability is fundamental for me as in every RHAPSODY album I like to compose different styles of songs, passing from the most cinematic and epic impact of some songs to the operatic majesty of other ones, from celestial voices to more aggressive tones. Alessandro was just the best choice in this sense as, in between the multitude of all his vocal colors, he has a great high tone but also an operatic approach that makes the difference. He studied at the “Corale Lirica Rossini” of Modena as first tenor, the same school attended by the great and unforgettable Luciano Pavarotti”. The first official statement of Alessandro as member of RHAPSODY: “I am very enthusiastic to be the new voice of RHAPSODY and the person the band was searching for. ASCENDING TO INFINITY is just an amazing piece of art and maybe not even the word “epic” is enough to describe its emotional power… what is sure is that I am really proud to be part of it. Now I am looking forward to meeting all the existing and new RHAPSODY fans around the world. See you soon!”.
  13. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Ne bih ni znao da danas izlazi novi Tulus da me last.fm nije obavestio. Dajte pičke link.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLY4Rpii7bM
  15. Steve Von Till: "Home from Chicago....Neurosis album is mixed!" AJDE SAGORELO VIŠE DABOGDA
  16. Kad neko kaže da će praviti muziku u Ulver fazonu ja se ospem po vratu malo, jer taj nivo genijalnosti retko ko dostigne.
  17. Talvi


    Onaj prvi je baš dugo bio u pripremi zbog raznoraznih cimanja, kapiram da im se u međuvremenu nakupilo materijala i za ovaj pa su ga lako uradili.
  18. Talvi


    Darkthrone Ok, the photos did not turn out well. Damn. But I'll post a couple of them soon anyway. We recorded the two songs "Lesser Men" and "Valkyrie". They are now fully mixed and it's a done deal. In July the album will be ready.
  19. Talvi


    When asked about a possible release time frame for this latest offering, Lombardo responds: “I don’t know, but we’re going to do a three or four-song EP to keep the fans pacified until we come out with the full-length record. Kind of like what we did with ‘Psycopathy Red,’ which was like a two-song 45.”
  20. Talvi


    Nego: DEATH WOLF (formerly DEVILS WHOREHOUSE), the "horror-death rock" side-project of MARDUK guitarist Morgan Håkansson, has entered Endarker Studio in Östergötland, Sweden to begin recording its as-yet-untitled second album for a late summer release via Blooddawn Productions/Century Media. KOLJI
  21. Svaki Ava Inferi album je remek-delo. Nego: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be4fkDIUsnQ
  22. Talvi


    Aj sad vidi o čemu se govorilo od vrha strane pa nadalje.
  23. The Ocean - The Grand Inquisitor [EP] (2012) 1. The Grand Inquisitor I: Karamazov Baseness 05:03 2. The Grand Inquisitor II: Roots & Locusts 06:32 3. The Grand Inquisitor III: A Tiny Grain of Faith 01:57 4. The Grand Inquisitor IV: Exclusion from Redemption 06:48
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