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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Seth Siro Anton photo of the New Nile Shirt design...part of the new album's artwork. Album cover art TBA soon of their forthcoming release ''At the gate of Sethu''...
  2. Aman više. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Clhn-vI4yE
  3. Talvi


    Dobar ovaj Soen album skroz. Ono, jednog promila originalnosti nema ali ko voli Tool i APC ovo mu je super vožnja.
  4. Here is the new infamous SUA signing: the cult band "Death to Deathspell Omega". The cult one man band funded by Lord Mullah Gunnar Death to Deathspell Omega exclusively play True Anti Post Black Metal. Hail the new master ! Ludi Gunar.
  5. Mene zanima kakvi su to "recent events".
  6. Secrets of the Moon In the light of recent events please note: there won't be any interviews related to "seven bells" for several reasons. Let the music speak instead.
  7. Talvi

    Holy Moses

  8. Talvi


  9. Kako jebe limited edition omot:
  10. An Ominous Recording Lingering in an Imprint Haunting Bitte tötet mich The Funerary Dirge of a Violinist Sir John Spectral Infantry Battalions General Nightmare Little Hector what Have You Done? These Fields Are Lurking (Seven Pairs of Demon Eyes)
  11. Talvi


    Jašta, gledaj ovo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGPhzzN11fo
  12. Talvi


    Tebra, ne budi anonimus. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsayWd5BveQ
  13. Talvi


    Call me a fanboy, ali ja već sad znam da će mi se ovo svideti i ne brigam uopšte.
  14. Koliko mene ta riba podseća na Lady Gagu.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EgQofRW3zA Strahota.
  16. Naiđoh sad na ovo reizdanje, nisam ga viđao ranije a valja imati ga pa ako treba još nekome: http://www.mediaboom.org/367305-tiamat-wildhoney-reissue-2011.html
  17. Talvi


    Jebeš tu, ova glavna je uhvatila esenciju svemira:
  18. Talvi


    Je l' to Ranko TNT?
  19. Više zbog Kejva, mada pošto sam "mačke > psi" čovek imalo je i to udela.
  20. Odavno ne dadoh tako od srca plus k'o sad.
  21. Talvi


    Gaahl je opet metalac, a? Sva nada da će vući na AMSG a da će biti bolje od Ov Hell-a.
  22. DOBAR DAN, IZVOLTE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wlyBULtb0U
  23. Talvi


    I meni se čini da bi bolje delovala celina da su malo promešali, tj. da je poslednji deo albuma malo dinamičniji ali svejedno jebačina. "The Hurt..." na 0:48 -
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