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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. http://www.alo.rs/ljudi/46731/Soraja_sa_krstom_medu_nogama
  2. Upravo zbog ponavljanja spektakla od pre 5 godina, to mi je među top koncertima u životu.
  3. Peter Dolving, vocalist of the band THE HAUNTED published the following statement on his Facebook page: 'I am officially quitting The Haunted. After years of working with the band, I am out. I have had it. I will NOT answer questions to why. It's no one elses business. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to seeing you people at other shows with other projects.'
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcFpXSTbHrI
  5. ajoj jebote
  6. Talvi


    Night's, saletaću te i ja sa mojim idejama čim ti se razmahne biznis, baš mi treba tako nešto.
  7. Dutch symphonic black metal act CARACH ANGREN will release its third album, "Where The Corpses Sink Forever", on May 18 via Season Of Mist. The CD was recorded Tidal Wave studio in Karlsruhe, Germany.
  8. Kakvi ste anonimusi, ne verujem. JEBENI SATIRIKON BRE
  9. Deluks verzija sa još 3 pesme: http://www.mediaboom.org/365991-every-time-i-die-ex-lives-2012.html
  10. Mene kući.
  11. Talvi


    Mada, menjali su postave kao nenormalni ali stoji to ipak.
  12. Šopovano je ovo, mada kapiram da je stvarno takav čim stalno fura kapu.
  13. Oni i Hexvessel.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q8Zvc0t2M4
  15. We want to keep this respectful, so without going into much detail, Mike and the rest of us had serious differences of opinions. Mike did formally resign from the band, and he has since been replaced with Dave Culross who had played and recorded on "Despise The Sun". Inače, Frank nešto sprečen da peva na turneji pa ga menja Bill iz Decrepit Birth.
  16. Mnogo dobar album. Kratko, jasno, preko pičke i ćao.
  17. Talvi


    Kakav album
  18. op op Every Time I Die - Ex Lives (2012)
  19. Talvi


    IDEMO Sigh - In Somniphobia (2012)
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXEQCZg4Nns
  21. Talvi

    Black Sabbath

    Ne vraćaj još ništa, polako.
  22. Talvi


    Denver thrashers Havok confirm that they will release their new EP 'The Point Of No Return' on May 21. The EP will contain two brand new songs plus a few reworked covers.
  23. Talvi


    I dve stvarčice koje će ti sigurno koristiti: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/firefm/ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bbncpldmanoknoahidbgmkgobgmhnafh
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