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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi

    Black Sabbath

    Trebao je da sačeka do prvog koncerta i onda izađe na binu i u mikrofon se najebe majke kurveštini alavoj. Mada, ne bi me čudilo da u ugovoru ima nešto što i to pokriva.
  2. Talvi


    Ja znam da ja hoću.
  3. Talvi


    Scum je izdao samo onaj jedan album i to je to, nemaju planove za dalje. Mongo Ninja je na taj fazon i to je jedan od najboljih bendova na svijet, ali uvek može još.
  4. Zato i jes' dobra.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moHl3LWxTnU
  6. Talvi


    Auuuu, može. Faust je bog a The Batallion je super bend u thrash fazonu, valjaće ovo samo tako.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMHNMkAORCc
  8. Jea, kod njih je baš do jaja to što su tekstovi fenomenalni pa leže preko muzike savršeno. "Ghost" jedna od najemotivnijih pesama ikad.
  9. U tom broju je Clutch intervju vrhunski.
  10. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=169212 Najveći WTF od vesti ikada.
  11. Koliki ste emosi.
  12. Ne mogu se opredeliti za naj pesmu, ali ajmo naj stihove, to je zabavnije.
  13. Evo, ja pozivam Kuruza da se nađemo negde u ataru i vučemo jedan drugog na sankama.
  14. A, to. Što je babi milo, jbg...
  15. To neki hipsterski izrazi koje normalan svet ne kapira?
  16. Moj mačak je danas video prvi ozbiljniji sneg u životu, izbezumio se.
  17. Talvi

    Black Sabbath

  18. Talvi

    Black Sabbath

    To bi verovatno bila najveća r'n'r prevara ikad, jebeš Sex Pistolse i njihov pokušaj iste.
  19. Zato što sam ja tek sad skontao da imamo temu uopšte. Bogovi, btw.
  20. Talvi

    Black Sabbath

    Ja čekam da Grob ostavi neku metaforu povodom ove vesti.
  21. Talvi


    Decibel: What can you tell us about some of the songs on the album? Chuck: Well, there's a song called "Native Blood", which is basically a song about my Native heritage. It's almost like a protest song, that the Native Americans have a voice that needs to be heard — that's the chorus of the song. There's another called "True American Hate", which was kinds inspired by when we sent all our troops overseas there, and we were just seeing in the news when all that was going on a lot of young kids, under 10 years old, out there with their families burning American flags. And that was a pretty shocking thing to see, to see that generation, a kid that young being taught to hate that much. It makes you think what's going to happen, 10 to 15 years from now when the majority of these kids have just been raised to hate? It struck me as a little odd. There's a song called "Cold Embrace", which we kinda hoped we'd be able to pitch the song into one of the "Twilight" series movies; it's a song about a girl becoming a vampire and never being able to see the sun again. "The Dark Roots Of Earth" is kind of a play on the band we have together, just like a metaphor, like TESTAMENT is a tree and all of us in this group are really embedded in the planet, in the earth, the environment and our surroundings. It was kind of a play on that. "Rise Up For War" is more of a war song, like your preparing yourself for war, going into battle. There is a lot of cool stuff there. Decibel: "Native Blood" must be a very personal song for you. What message are you sending out with "Native Blood", what sort of issues need addressing for the Native American community? Chuck: It is much different now compared to 10, 15 years ago, like on our reservation it was a pretty bad place 15 years ago. There was no help from the government, the schools were run down, no transportation, the housing was bad, broken down cars piled everywhere…. It was bad until we put a casino on our reservation and the money generated put people in work, brought back the schools, the culture, the language and the transportation to get the kids to school. But it's just a bit of a sad thing that once you start helping yourself, the next thing you know the government's got their hand out wanting their share for something you've done yourself and helping your own. It's a sad thing; you ask for help and you don't get it, as soon as there's money involved the hands are out wanting a part of it. To me it was just about having a voice, for the Native Americans to have a voice that could be heard. Twilight
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