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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    The cover artwork for "Téras", the sixth album from Swedish black metallers NAGLFAR, can be seen below. Responsible for the artwork is Niklas Sundin of DARK TRANQUILLITY, who has previously worked with such bands as IN FLAMES, ARCH ENEMY and AT THE GATES. The album cover only shows a part of the overall motif, which is going to be shown in its entirety with the release of the new CD. Due on March 27 via Century Media Records (one day earlier internationally), "Téras" will include the following nine tracks: 01. Téras 02. Pale Horse 03. III: Death Dimension Phantasma 04. The Monolith 05. An Extension Of His Arm And Will 06. Bring Out Your Dead 07. Come Perdition 08. Invoc(H)ate 09. The Dying Flame Of Existence
  2. Koliko je opuštenije čišćenje po snega ovako po mraku nego preko dana, kad na svakih 15 sekundi slušaš "IDE LI TO, KOMŠIJA?".
  3. Dječaci metalcore-a
  4. Slažem se sa komšijom, ne može.
  5. Les Discrets - Ariettes Oubliées... (2012)
  6. Neurosis je pojam zajebane muzike za sve te nazovi ekstremiste zajedno.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OewUR0LxN8
  8. Brate, ne. Mislim, em se razlikuju previše da bi ih mogao porediti, em mi je Lanin album ipak previše jednoličan, "Born This Way" mi je bio bomba godine u svom fazonu.
  9. Fukpig, jebem te.
  10. Talvi


    Ja sam od njih imao samo onaj "Trinity Overture", nisam čuo ništa drugo, i baš je taj rad bio - slušaš da bi čuo šta klavijaturista radi.
  11. Talvi


    Majestic jebote, otkad nisam čuo taj bend
  12. Napred žuto-bele, pozadi braon-bele.
  13. Tebi video, ali na PM.
  14. Namestiš usta za o a izgovaraš e, isto kao i u nemačkom.
  15. Nisam precizirao na čije postove mislim. A ako bismo izbacili našminkane, ostalo bi 1% od svega ovoga.
  16. Ja sam mu baš zbog omota i dao šansu, međutim na kraju ispade tuga totalna.
  17. On je forumski gospodar helanki, dakle i hulahopke spadaju tu negde pod njegovu jurisdikciju.
  18. Ne bre, čeka se Jaretovo stručno mišljenje.
  19. Kiltovi su zapravo kul stvar, sem ako imaju baš taj "porn schoolgirl" dezen.
  20. Talvi


    Legendary death metallers MASTER have set "The New Elite" as the title of their eleventh album, due later in the year via Pulverised Records. The CD, which was once again recorded, mixed and mastered at Shaark Studios, contains "11 tracks of unambiguous death metal in its wretched form, in perfect coalition with the offensive Paul Speckmann-spewed lyrical shitstorm," according to a press release. The album artwork for "The New Elite" features a more concise, organic and symbolic concept, exclusively produced and designed by German graphic illustrator Mark Bridgeman. "The New Elite" track listing: 01. The New Elite 02. Rise Up And Fight 03. Remove The Knife 04. Smile As You're Told 05. Redirect The Evil 06. Out Of Control 07. As Two Worlds Collide 08. New Reforms 09. Guide Yourself 10. Souls To Dissuade 11. Twist Of Fate Commented MASTER mainman Paul Speckmann: "'The New Elite' deals with the problems we face in society at this current time. The rich are getting richer and the poor are starving on the streets all around the world while men battle each other for world dominance! Governments are grabbing the world by the balls and dictating the new rules of the soon-to-be New Elite, while the youth of today just sit down and take it. I really wonder if and when the youth of today will take a stand against these crazy fucked-up ruthless world leaders. The time has come to stand up and be counted!" A brand new track entitled "Smile As You're Told" is now available for streaming below. http://soundcloud.com/pulverised/master-smile-as-youre-told
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