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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Fapozovna je ona, što jes jes.
  2. Ja baš i nisam nešto odlepio od oduševljenja. Fin album, njihov standardni zvuk, ali jednolično u pičku materinu, kao da drve jednu pesmu 66 minuta. Izdvajaju se "Of Death And Corruption" kao ubedljivo najbolja i "This Cut Is The Deepest", ostalo mi sve isto nekako.
  3. A čekaj, otkud uopšte Mastodon u celoj priči?
  4. Koji ste homosi, niko ne spominje Čehinje.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoUbeKKlo8k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vDSThxlIVc
  6. Sluša neko ovu damu? Izašao album najzad: Lana Del Rey – Born to Die (2012) a ako neko još nije čuo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t-I-Lqy06g
  7. Talvi


    Ma bre, to je po Zapadnoj Evropi turneja - Francuska, Nemačka, Holandija i Belgija.
  8. Ja bih voleo "Embrace The World" ali jbg, i ovako je preterano. IMAM 60 KILA I KIČMU ĆE MI SLOMITI
  9. Evo šta su furali po festivalima prošle godine: Ocean Planet Backbone Remembrance Love A Sight to Behold Flying Whales The Heaviest Matter of the Universe Toxic Garbage Island Vacuity Encore: Oroborus
  10. 21 gram?
  11. http://www.blic.rs/Zabava/Vesti/303439/Karte-za-koncert-Metalike-u-prodaji-od-petka-najjeftinije-od-3300-dinara AAAAAAAAAAAA
  12. Genijalno mi je kako Gojko uvek postuje na ovoj temi u gluvo doba noći.
  13. Talvi


  14. Naravno da jeste, bila je ona više puta ovde, no nikad dosta.
  15. Baš ima one hipsterske naočare, tvoj tip totalno.
  16. Ja vam rekoh gde ima, a niste ni svesni kakvih se još kultova tamo može naći. Tamo sam ti našao i onaj Necros Christos EP.
  17. Talvi


  18. Ima na Soulseeku, samo instaliraj program ako nemaš i registruj se.
  19. Kad smo kod ploča, dajte link za onaj Nachtmystium, boga vam jebem.
  20. Talvi


    Former EMPEROR frontman Ihsahn (real name: Vegard Sverre Tveitan) will make a guest appearance on the sophomore solo album from ex-NEVERMORE guitarist Jeff Loomis. The CD, which is being produced by Aaron Smith (7 HORNS 7 EYES), is scheduled for release later in the year via Century Media Records. Commented Loomis: "I know most of you are aware that Christine Rhoades is doing some vocals on my album. At first I thought she'd be the only guest singer on the record, but then this one song started coming together, it's pretty brutal. "I've always wanted to do really, really heavy music and after hearing this, both Aaron and myself thought we needed some crazy, sick singer on it. We just sat around tossing names out for a bit, nothing really was sticking and then Aaron says, 'I got it...Ihsahn' and it was one of those moments where you knew that was the answer all along, it just hadn't been unlocked in your mind yet. "Anyway, a few short emails back and forth and we had his vocal track in. It came out amazing. I can't wait for you to hear it. "Ihsahn, thanks again, it's an honor to have you on my record."
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