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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. JAO
  2. Ako je "Kill" fenomenalan, kojim epitetom ocenjuješ "Tomb Of The Mutilated"?
  3. Metroseksualac se dokazao na fejsu onomad, Lulu tek treba da se dokaže.
  4. Pa i Metallica stiču nove fanove vremenom, no opet ne jašu jednog te istog konja na svakoj turneji.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVPmgXaaY-s Šta je ovo koji kurac
  6. Nije film no serija ali svejedno: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdaF9Iv88W8
  7. E da, a i likovi su inače totalni frikovi za "Twin Peaks"-om, tako da moram da ih obožavam.
  8. Meni je "New Moon" prilično savršen album ("These Woods Breathe Evil" - You’ve scrobbled this track 233 times. ), zato i imam baš visoka očekivanja od ovog novog pa ne bih da gatam bilo šta.
  9. Ne znam što vam smeta growl, baš iz muda čovek peva. Pa još kad zapoje "These Low Lands" u duetu sa Joutsenom
  10. Nemoj srati da nisi slušao "New Moon"? Ispravljaj tu kardinalnu grešku pod hitno.
  11. http://www.metalsucks.net/2012/01/17/the-devils-blood-the-metalsucks-interview/
  12. Talvi


    Belgian black metallers ENTHRONED recently inked a two-album deal with Agonia Records. The band's new CD, "Obsidium", will be released in early 2012.
  13. Radio Metal: What happened with the "Sea Shepherd" EP? How is it coming along? Joe: We've had a lot of setbacks and technical problems that got us very late. For instance, a hard drive with a lot of takes we'd made just crashed. It was quite a hard blow a couple of months ago. We were working on the new album, we were almost ready to finish everything… When I arrived in the U.S., I found somebody who managed to get all the information back, meaning the EP's audio files. I've been able to get my hands on them not so long ago. Now I've got everything, I need to sit down and work on it, there's still a lot to do… I need to finish mixing and add a couple of vocals we've been recording. It's not much, but I basically don't have a second for myself right now, which means I don't have the time to work on it. Nobody will do it for me, so I'll just start working on it when we're done with the album. We'll release this fucking EP eventually. It means a lot to us and we're a bit pissed off we couldn't release it last September.
  14. Biće sniman ceo koncert za youtube.
  15. Zvonko Inače, samo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0xOCfD1XZE
  16. Crippled Black Phoenix - (Mankind) The Crafty Ape (2012)
  17. 01. Demented Aggression 02. Sarcophagic Frenzy 03. Scourge of Iron 04. Encased in Concrete 05. As Deep As the Knife Will Go 06. Intestinal Crank 07. Followed Home Then Killed 08. The Strangulation Chair 09. Caged…Contorted 10. Crucifier Avenged 11. Rabid 12. Torn Through While Torture marks the latest progression in the band's sound, it also witnesses a return to what drummer Paul Mazurkiewicz accurately terms "the frenzied attack of Butchered At Birth (1991) or Tomb Of The Mutilated (1992)," infusing the band's advanced musicianship with the raw savagery that haunted their earlier releases, and in the process conceiving the definitive CANNIBAL CORPSE record. Adds bassist Alex Webster on the outcome of the record: "We're extremely happy with how Torture turned out. Erik Rutan did an amazing job with the production, and the songwriting and performances may be our strongest yet. We can't wait until our fans get to hear the whole thing!"
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJmRzzldq6w Imagine if one minute from now, every single person on Earth disappeared. All 6.6 billion of us. What would happen to the world without humans? How long would it be before our nuclear power plants erupted, skyscrapers crumbled and satellites dropped from the sky? What would become of the household pets and farm animals? And could an ecosystem plagued with years of pollution ever recover?
  19. TBF su zakon uživo.
  20. Haha, i ja sam obožavao "Stray Cat Strut" kao klinac.
  21. Dobro ovo zvuči.
  22. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Greek metallers NIGHTFALL have commenced work on a new album for a late 2012 release. The follow-up to 2010's "Astron Black And The Thirty Tyrants" will contain 11 tracks. MOŽE
  23. Jea.
  24. Grobu je pomoglo.
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