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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Tekstovi Super bend generalno.
  2. Talvi


    Swedish black metallers MARDUK have issued the following update: "After over 220 shows in support of the hightly acclaimed 'Wormwood' album and the 'Iron Dawn' EP, the touring cycle has come to an end with the participation of the Hatefest tour. "MARDUK is currently in the studio recording the next album set for a spring release through Blooddawn/Century Media. The album will be followed by a massive touring campaign. "We are proud as a goat to announce the three first dates for 2012 as the band will be doing the three date Extremefest festival dates in Europe during July. "Further updates will be brought forth as we march according to unshakable laws into the coming year. "All hail the worldwide MARDUK legion!!"
  3. Swedish dark rockers KATATONIA have issued the following update: "The first couple of months of 2012 will see us hard at work on the recording of our ninth album, and if everything goes according to plan, the album will be out before summer. We're also busy on a double duty finishing up the 'Last Fair Day Gone Night' anniversary DVD."
  4. U, kakav početak godine!
  5. Fali vam ovde gospodin Henri, definicija baje:
  6. Što više slušam ovo, više mi se čini da je ovaj Vojkov vers prvobitno trebao biti u "After u zatvoru".
  7. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Ima neko link za ovo? Teitanblood - Purging Tongues 12" MLP 1. Purging Tongues 15:37
  8. Swallow the Sun Who wants to see our new music video soon? Maybe next week? Thumbs up anyone?
  9. Talvi


    Kevin Hufnagel (DYSRHYTHMIA, GORGUTS) has just released his second solo guitar album, "Transparencies", via his own imprint, Nightfloat Recordings. The effort can be streamed in full and purchased at BandCamp.com, along with Hufnagel's past recordings, including a rare, self-released cassette demo from 1997, titled "While I Wait".
  10. Čekaj, ovde su u opticaju Tolkijevi kućni pornići? I believe I'll pass.
  11. Najbolja čokolad'ca na svetu.
  12. Talvi


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIMakUvncvs wait wat
  13. Barry Clayton, the man behind the spoken-word introduction to "The Number Of The Beast", the title track of IRON MAIDEN's classic 1982 album, has died at the age of 80.
  14. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

  15. Daj fejs. Njen ili tvoj, nebitno.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150452292694013
  17. Koji ste amateri, profesionalne fapadžije ga već odavno bacaju na dotičnu. https://www.facebook.com/vikkiblowsaday
  18. Imaš da skineš po netu i verzije gde su ljudi već uklopili ta dva albuma u jedno i okačili ih tako, da ne moraš da se trudiš oko usaglašavanja.
  19. Uzmeš Neurosis-ov "Times Of Grace" i "Grace" od Tribes Of Neurot, pustiš ih u isto vreme i mind = blown.
  20. E da, a imajući u vidu da postava benda više nije ni približno ista onoj sa početka karijere nije to baš isti slučaj kao sa bendovima koji se vraćaju tim stvarima iz neke nostalgije ili šta već, kod Amorphisa mi to totalno prirodno deluje.
  21. Pazi, imajući u vidu kako su otkinuli "Vulgar Necrolatry" na re-recordu i kako provuku poneku deathčinu na poslednjim albumima, ja bih itekako voleo da čujem od njih nešto konkretnije na tu temu. Možda umesto unplugged-a probaju neki svoj "Heritage" da urade.
  22. STRATOVARIUS is inviting its fans to come up with a title for the forthcoming DVD by posting their suggestions on the band's official Facebook page. The winner will receive two copies of the DVD and a credit in the liner notes.
  23. Zanima me za koga forumski hrišćani navijaju u ovom pičvajzu.
  24. Ja imam dve želje u vezi ovog benda, a to je da odrade neki full-on death metal album i da odrade unplugged, iako je Joutsen rekao da ga smara to.
  25. Rockoverdose.gr: Based on your tour itinerary, you have an extremely busy schedule with shows day after day and short breaks. Where did you find all this energy on the stage during the concert? Angela: Yes, we play a lot of shows and my workload as the manager and vocalist in ARCH ENEMY is immense. I have to be strong and healthy for that — so I take good care of my body, I am a vegan, I work out a lot. I will also take a year or more off after we finish the touring cycle for "Khaos Legions" in 2012. I need some time to recharge my batteries. ARCH ENEMY will go on hiatus for a while.
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