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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. A gift from Santa Guardian; The Bard’s Song 2011 Orchestral Version ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Twilight Hall Santa Guardian and his band of dark elves put the finishing touches on a gift for all the bad boys and girls in Blind Guardian land. Santa Guardian thought it was unfair that “The Bard’s Song – The Hobbit” was re-recorded for Memories of a Time to Come but “The Bard’s Song – In the Forest” didn’t get any special treatment. Using his own special brand of persuasion, Santa Guardian “convinced” the band to make an orchestral version of “The Bard’s Song – In the Forest” for inclusion on Memories of a Time to Come. Santa’s gift to every Blind Guardian fan is a 95 second preview of this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI0Q4izbybA
  2. Taj rad.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2cG-sYrtJk
  4. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

    Da, pa i WoY merch se prodavao tako što ti njemu pošalješ poštom lovu a on tebi šta te već zanima, pisao je i na forumu... Meni je najjača stvar u vezi njega bila kako je carski menjao lični opis - duga kosa, obrijana glava, ona neka opičena frizura, ima bradu, nema bradu... http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3415707
  5. Talvi


    Šnajder postuje na temi o odeći.
  6. Talvi


    To je čovek.
  7. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

    Inače, ovo znači kraj i za The Northern Ontario Black Metal Preservation Society. Ostade sve na one dve pesme, ali meni je "Northern October" sumirala u ona svoja 4 i po minuta ceo taj severnoamerički prirodnjački black metal osećaj bolje nego svi Agallochi, Wolvesi i ostatak te ekipe zajedno.
  8. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

    Kod mene isti osećaj bio.
  9. Pa i klavijaturista ih je napustio pre nekog vremena.
  10. Pain of Salvation’s new keyboard player is no stranger for the observant fan. Being quite the renaissance man (as everyone in this bizarre band), he has been all over the place the last year. He played the keyboard in India, the bass in South America and on the European tours, and dammit if he didn’t do the lights in Skellefteå too! Daniel Gildenlöw: “Through the years we have always had problems finding people who can master ONE instrument well enough to play our songs the way they should be played, so needless to say D2 has impressed us by playing both the bass and the keyboard with total conviction. Asking him to join the band was a natural step. Also, band meetings were getting boring with only me and Léo there ” The world, meet Daniel “D2″ Karlsson: To be a part of this band is a real honor. I’m very grateful to have been around POS for quite some time, both as a technician and a musician and a fan of course, and suddenly I’m being a part of them for real. It pays off to work your way up:) My intentions is not be the “new” Fredrik, because there’s only one. And a damn good one! But I’ll do my best to carry the spirit on and bring a new chapter to the history of Pain of Salvation. I’m looking forward to be a part of the future of the best band in the world. // Daniel “D2″ Karlsson
  11. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

    To što stoji na arhivama sigurno nije zvanično jer još nema zvaničnog saopštenja, ali najlogičnije je da bend više ne radi, Dejvid je prosto BIO taj bend. Čujem sad da se album provlačio po P2P kanalima već desetak dana.
  12. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

    Neko je okačio ovo na lastu, kaže da je album, nemam pojma još da li je fejk ali ono... https://www.yousendit.com/dl?phi_action=app/orchestrateDownload&rurl=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.yousendit.com%252Ftransfer.php%253Faction%253Dbatch_download%2526batch_id%253DT2dkOGNhV3JsUi92bk1UQw Skroz mi je skenj za Dejvida, baš ne znam kad me je ovako ubedačila smrt nekog muzičara. edit: Nije fejk, tu su i tekstovi. Jebem ti život, ovo će biti teško.
  13. Talvi


    Jebeš sve to, NOVA JEBENA STVAR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41QIUpKqyVQ NAGLFAR's current lineup is as follows: Kristoffer W. Olivius - Vocals Marcus E. Norman - Guitar Andreas Nilsson - Guitar
  14. http://soundcloud.com/devizes-studios/fukpig-democracy-reset Mogao sam i temu otvoriti do sada ali ajde, neka saceka do albuma.
  15. Pa ti onda idi odavde ako ti je sranje, ne znam sta drugo da ti kazem.
  16. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

  17. Talvi


    New Orleans' GOATWHORE has set "Blood For The Master" as the title of its new album, due on February 14 in North America via Metal Blade Records. The follow-up to 2009's "Carving Out The Eyes Of God" was recorded at Mana Recording Studios in St. Petersburg, Florida with producer with Erik Rutan.
  18. Dolaze u Zadar dogodine.
  19. Ko god da je vodi, vodi je u ime benda i pod njihovom kontrolom i stranica je zvanična kao i sve što se objavi na njoj, kraj priče.
  20. Mislim da je po tonu posta krajnje jasno na šta sam mislio, ali 'ajde.
  21. Aj ne seri, forumi za to i služe.
  22. Uradili su celu seriju tih humorističkih slika za bilborde o ZR vodi, trebalo bi još koji da postave valjda.
  23. To mi je drugarica na bilbordu.
  24. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

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