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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Kataklizmičan omot.
  2. After a highly successful run of European festivals and select club shows, Swedish melodic metal maestros SOILWORK have started writing music for the follow-up to 2010's "The Panic Broadcast". Commented vocalist Björn "Speed" Strid: "It's been an intense summer and at this point, me and the boys are hibernating in pretty much every corner of the world and putting our next album together. Many songs are yet to be written but the inspiration is flowing! People can expect a continuation of the intensity and presence of 'The Panic Broadcast', only taken to a higher level. That's the mindset. We will do some touring next year as well, before we hopefully enter the studio sometime in the early fall. The album title is already set: 'The Living Infinite'. Chew on that for a bit and don't spit it out until the music is invading your ears, folks!"
  3. Talvi


  4. O jebem mu život, dosad bi ga triput čuo.
  5. U, al' soliram ovde. Nova stvar: http://www.mediaboom.org/360944-caliban-i-am-nemesis-new-track-2012.html
  6. Load i Reload su albumčine, nikad nisam kontao šta ljudi imaju protiv njih. Sem, naravno, što nisu dovoljno METAL.
  7. Dobra.
  8. Talvi


  9. Gej hit godine, kažete? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thS0CTTczOo&ob=av3e
  10. Da naglasim, meni se i sviđa zato što je tako fensi i drugačiji nego raniji. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av2AqT2BvrA Ovi Maynard-like vokali su mi predobri skroz.
  11. Ne vidim ovde nešto ljubav za The Haunted a meni je onaj njihov album baš, baš dobar bio.
  12. 01. Karma 02. Monopoly On Truth 03. Storm The Sorrow 04. Delirium 05. Internal Warfare 06. Requiem For The Indifferent 07. Anima 08. Guilty Demeanor 09. Deep Water Horizon 10. Stay The Course 11. Deter The Tyrant 12. Avalanche 13. Serenade Of Self-Destruction
  13. Metal Sucks čitaoci izabrali "Deconstruction" za album godine. Meh.
  14. Jebote, koliko kvaliteta na prošloj strani.
  15. To je ono
  16. Morbideee, vraaati seee...
  17. Reči su jebene reči, iste su i kad ih pročitaš sa papira i sa ekrana.
  18. Ako se ne varam, jednom mi je Brunhilda objašnjavala nešto kako Norvežani kao nacija ne umeju da izgovore z.
  19. Pa dobro, i ja tako pišem malo t, veliko ne.
  20. Talvi


  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRNf_72h2LE
  22. Talvi


    Kolika su meni tuga ti metalci što obrađuju pop pesme. Misle da su interesantni, zabavni i originalni jer su otkrili da se to može svirati i sa distorzijom a ne znam da li sam ikada čuo ijednog da je uradio nešto bolje originala.
  23. Top Tracks - Wolfenhords
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