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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    A ne tamo neka masonerija iz fensi kafića Pariza.
  2. Talvi


    Ko nije gledao ovaj spot ne zna šta je kult: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_T2DNUgB_0
  3. Ide im na ruku što će ljudi sad konstantno porediti njihove radove sa Morbidima.
  4. Don’t give me love, don’t give me faith Wisdom nor pride, give innocence instead Don’t give me love, I’ve had my share Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead A crow flew to me, kept its distance Such a proud creation I saw its soul, envied its pride But needed nothing it had An owl came to me, old and wise Pierced right through my youth I learned its ways, envied its sense But needed nothing it had Don’t give me love, don’t give me faith Wisdom nor pride, give innocence instead Don’t give me love, I’ve had my share Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead A dove came to me, had no fear It rested on my arm I touched its calm, envied its love But needed nothing it had A swan of white, she came to me The lake mirrored her beauty sweet I kissed her neck, adored her grace But needed nothing she could give Got to grieve her, got to wreck it Got to grieve her, got to wreck it Got to grieve her, got to wreck it Don’t give me love, don’t give me faith Wisdom nor pride, give innocence instead Don’t give me love, I’ve had my share Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead
  5. http://www.mediafire.com/?rbbcchlcr09d9la Rep obrada.
  6. Talvi

    Blut aus Nord

    Tebi je i Electric Wizard opasno dosadan.
  7. Znam.
  8. Op op op op op, nova stvar: http://anetteolzon-nightwish.blogspot.com/2011/11/crow-owl-and-dove-online.html
  9. Pa taj paket je na celoj evropskoj turneji sa Morbidima na čelu, i u Zagrebu je ista ekipa.
  10. Inače, ovaj The Human Centipede 2 je dosta ozbiljniji i jači od prvog dela. Nekako deluje... hm... realnije i izvodljivije od svega onoga što se dešavalo u 1. delu, a i crno-bela tehnika dodatno otežava atmosferu. I da, glavni lik je najodvratniji gmaz u istoriji filma, 'leb im jebem gde ga samo nađoše:
  11. Super bend, bar meni. Mada ih 100 godina nisam čuo, mogao bih baš.
  12. Talvi

    Nader Sadek

  13. Eto imena za neki od onih bendova koje SixSteps sluša.
  14. Najzad da neko kaže ono što se odavno zna. Druga i treća polovina, right here. Brate.
  15. Talvi

    Nader Sadek

    Zlo. Inače, džabe je bio upad na tu svirku.
  16. To valjda snimljeno kad su Root bili predgrupa Kralju na nekoliko koncerata po Češkoj i Slovačkoj ili tako nešto, pizdarija. Inače, meni skroz fin ovaj novi.
  17. Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - Children Of The Corn (2011)
  18. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Panopticon – Social Disservices (2011)
  19. "Relapse", the new studio album from the reactivated MINISTRY, will be released on March 30, 2012 via MINISTRY mainman Al Jourgensen's 13th Planet Records.
  20. Talvi


    Swedish death metal veterans UNLEASHED have finished recording their 11th full-length album for a spring 2012 release via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD is being produced by UNLEASHED guitarist Fredrik Folkare at his Chrome Studios in Sweden.
  21. Legendary grindcore act TERRORIZER has set "Hordes Of Zombies" as the title of its new album, due in North America on February 28, 2012 via the French label Season Of Mist.
  22. Talvi


    Hvala kurcu više.
  23. Jao krv ti jebem.
  24. Jedini ne-Italijan koji bi prošao kod nje jeste rasni Marco Hietala.
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