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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Pazi, jedno je korišćenje resursa koje već imaš a drugo je posezanje za resursima sa strane. Previše učim Operativne sisteme ovih dana.
  2. Kud me jeba Đavo da se ošišam, mogao sam ih ja dobiti.
  3. Ma jeste sad, znači svaki muškarac koji na neki način fazonira bradu bi se šminkao.
  4. Kakve to veze ima? Meni je bradu priroda podarila.
  5. The painting used for the cover artwork is named "Likferd at Sognefjorden" (1853) by Adolph Tidemand and Hans Gude.
  6. Inače, samo devojke u trenerkama i duksevima sa vezanom kosom, okolokućno pakovanje all the way.
  7. By rearranging the letters in " mother-in-law " you can create the words "woman Hitler. "
  8. Poslao si im pp?
  9. boargutgrinder, jebem vas nepismene.
  10. Htedoh napisati "kako", ne "kao".
  11. Sonata Arctica - Live In Finland (2CD) (2011)
  12. Da se i ja malo kurčim novim stajlingom:
  13. Talvi

    Dying Fetus

    Meni je njihova najbolja ipak: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3rDRsEMay0 Onaj rif na 0:24, haos.
  14. Talvi

    Dying Fetus

    Koliko je to savršeno zvučalo u Bg-u.
  15. Talvi

    Black Sabbath

    Otvoriće i temu za turneju.
  16. Ne znam ko je, sa Playboy fejsa.
  17. Kao Napalmi i Stratovarius, nema nikoga iz prve postave u bendu.
  18. Ko hoće da ih gleda, ima Zadar dogodine.
  19. Da, pošto će to sigurno u potpunosti odrediti zvuk celog albuma.
  21. Sviraće Metalfest u Zadru dogodine.
  22. Talvi


    Pričamo o Danzigovoj muzici, ne o mrežastim majicama. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb0pu4pPbMA
  23. Talvi


  24. Vocalist Mark Hunter of Cleveland, Ohio metallers CHIMAIRA has released the following statement: "I would like to start off by thanking our fans for a great tour. This last run was a blast, and truly the most fun we’ve had in a long while. The energy from the audience was exactly what we needed, and a welcoming return. Thank you, guys! "Unfortunately, as much fun as we were having, behind the scenes we were aware of some unfortunate realities that prevented us from 'living the dream' and having the time of our lives. We had another bomb to drop on the fans. "Early in July, we were informed that Rob Arnold [guitar] and Matt DeVries [guitar] would be leaving CHIMAIRA at the end of 2011. Of course, this was a huge blow, but there were no hard feelings. We understand that life invades art, everything runs its course, and we have to take different paths. We respect their decision and wish them only the best. We made heavy metal history together and that is all that matters at the end of the day. 'Chimaira Christmas 12' will be their last show, and we've been preparing to make it one that you'll never forget. "I would personally like to thank Rob and Matt for all of their hard work, years of service to CHIMAIRA, amazing songs, and for their friendship. Together we built something special that will remain for generations to come. "I'm looking forward to spending another five weeks on the road with two of the best (and criminally underrated) guitarists in modern metal. "What's next for CHIMAIRA in 2012? More on that very soon. "Rather than try and make light of unpleasant news, or downplay this by hyping up a new lineup, let's take a few to honor Rob and Matt. My favorite solo of Rob's is on 'The Heart Of It All' and my favorite riff of Matt's is 'The Dehumanizing Process'. I'll be cranking those today. What about you?"
  25. Talvi


    Da, totalno gej zvuči.
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