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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Sećam se MEX vjua, ali nije tu bila.
  2. Kadašnje je ovo? Alan u MDB fazonu a Simon kao da je iz Korna ispao.
  3. Overi i prošli.
  4. Život je mnogo lakši otkako je moguće da prevučeš sliku u Google Image Search.
  5. Talvi


    http://www.mediaboom.org/356002-1349-demonoir-2cd-reissue-2011.html :: 01. Tunnels of Set I 01:33 :: 02. Atomic Chapel 06:25 :: 03. Tunnel II 01:01 :: 04. When I Was Flesh 05:45 :: 05. Tunnel III 00:40 :: 06. Psalm 7:77 05:42 :: 07. Tunnel IV 01:03 :: 08. Pandemonium War Bells 07:49 :: 09. Tunnel V 01:16 :: 10. The Devil of the Deserts 06:30 :: 11. Tunnel VI 01:05 :: 12. Demonoir 06:19 :: 13. Tunnel VII 03:54 :: :: CD2 :: :: 01. Rapture (Morbid Angel cover) 04:02 :: 02. Strike of the Beast (Exodus cover) 03:41 :: 03. Nerves (Bauhaus cover) 05:17 :: 04. The Heretic (Possessed cover) 02:29 :: 05. Pandemonium War Bells (Live) 07:47 :: 06. When I Was Flesh (Live) 06:32 :: 07. Atomic Chapel (Live) 06:31
  6. We are happy to announce that on November 7th we will invade the Petrax-studios in Hollola again to record our next album. The title is still subject of discussion, so we cannot reveal it. The amount of songs is unsure yet; we keep on writing… inspiration flows! Many songs are based on the Kalevala (our national epic). The release date too is under discussion. So, not a lot of news, but we guessed that you would like to know that another album is on its way, a really cool album, the best album we’ve ever made… at least, we think so Tek da im ne bude dosadno. Ajmo opklade o kojem alkoholu ide naredni singl.
  7. Talvi


    Pa ono, čovek koji voli ambient a nije čuo za Nest mi je stvarno neverovatna kombinacija. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj3MhaJtayc
  8. Pa koncept albuma se vrti oko nekog cirkusa valjda, i omot je takav.
  9. Talvi


    Reci da zajebavaš.
  10. Talvi


  11. Evo ga: www.mediaboom.org/355993-andromeda-manifest-tyranny-2011.html
  12. Talvi


    Auh jebote, samo se nadam da nije kakav tumor ili tako nešto, inače neka odmara koliko hoće.
  13. roflcopter
  14. Talvi


    Umro sam ovde. Dajte još ovakvih snova, ovo mi je omiljena tema u poslednje vreme.
  15. Talvi


    Album odložen za kraj aprila/početak maja. FFFFUUUUUUUUUUU
  16. Kao što reče kolega:
  17. Talvi


    Samo na prošloj strani dve loše vesti, da nemam najkul titulu na forumu bio bih Gavran of Metal.
  18. Talvi


    Vocalist Kyle Thomas of legendary New Orleans metallers EXHORDER has released the following statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET: "On behalf of Jay Ceravolo [EXHORDER guitarist] and myself, it is with much regret and disappointment that we are both leaving EXHORDER. "There is much darkness surrounding EXHORDER at this time due to business and personal differences. "We extend deep apologies to those that this has both inconvenienced and disappointed. "In the wake of the passing of [EXHORDER bassist] Frankie Sparcello [in March] and the constant state of disarray that the band has found itself in since reforming, the negatives have far outweighed the positives. We both feel that this is what we must do, and wish that things could have turned out better, as EXHORDER has never attained the potential that it so rightfully should have. "I wish all of my brothers involved well and good luck in whatever the future brings them, whether or not EXHORDER continues." Jebat' ga.
  19. "A quarter? He'll be dancing for hours!!!" Elem, kad pirotski Alen Islamović pusti glas svi ovi mirati padaju u vodu momentalno.
  20. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Oranssi Pazuzu anonimusi? Koji si anonimus.
  21. SAMO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQMBz6HvSoM
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