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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Ignorisaću kukaču i fokusiraću se na kosu i drugu zastavu, žena i po!
  2. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Thulcandra nova: http://www.mediaboom.org/354413-thulcandra-under-a-frozen-sun-2011.html
  3. Talvi


    Odavno se zna za to, ali je preterano svaki put kad pročitam.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEQuDkpxXGU
  5. A new exciting project under making... ..details in January Laibach majica, da se zna ko su tate.
  6. Talvi


    Evo, ako nekoga boli kurac: http://www.mediaboom.org/352180-graveworm-fragments-of-death-2011.html
  7. Apr. 10 - Lisebergshallen - Göteborg, Sweden Apr. 11 - Falconer Theater - Copenhagen, Denmark Apr. 13 - Heineken Music Hall - Amsterdam, Netherlands Apr. 14 - ISS Dome - Düsseldorf, Germany Apr. 16 - Forest National - Brussels, Belgium Apr. 17 - Bercy - Paris, France Apr. 18 - Zenith - Nantes, France Apr. 20 - Halle Tony Garnier - Lyon, France Apr. 21 - Rockhal - Luxembourg, Luxembourg Apr. 23 - Jahrhunderthalle - Frankfurt, Germany Apr. 24 - Hallenstadion - Zurich, Switzerland Apr. 25 - Forum - Milano, Italy Apr. 27 - Gasometer - Vienna, Austria Apr. 29 - Budapest Arena - Budapest, Hungary Apr. 30 - Tesla (T-Mobile Arena) - Prague, Czech Republic May 01 - Arena - Leipzig, Germany May 03 - o2 World - Hamburg, Germany May 05 - Arena - Nuremberg, Germany May 06 - Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany May 08 - Krizanke - Ljubljana, Slovenia
  8. Talvi


    Jedino možda da probaš nešto preko Skoplja, kontam da oni imaju koju liniju više u tom pravcu od nas.
  9. Evo vam.
  10. Talvi


    Do Atine direktno ide samo avion, je l'?
  11. Talvi


    Preplakah ovu kletvu, jebem ti.
  12. Koliko je prebolesna ona prva pesma na poslednjem albumu, obožavam je.
  13. Talvi


  14. Aj' da vidimo: http://www.mediaboom.org/354180-misfits-the-devils-rain-2011.html
  15. Talvi


    Nema šta da se tračari, sam je rekao u intervjuu da će da presnimava prva 4 albuma, i ovde smo pričali o tome.
  16. Talvi


    Following the tremendous success of ACCEPT's comeback album, "Blood Of The Nations", and accompanying world tour — which consisted of more than 180 shows around the globe — the reformed heavy metal legends have now withdrawn from the stage to start work on their next CD. The band is currently writing material for its new LP, which will be released in the spring of 2012 and will once again be helmed by British producer Andy Sneap (MEGADETH, EXODUS, NEVERMORE, ARCH ENEMY). Commented ACCEPT guitarist Wolf Hoffman: "ACCEPT and Andy Sneap have the perfect synergy. This was so clear with 'Blood Of The Nations' and we are excited to continue on that path. Andy is not only an amazing and prolific producer but also a very good friend who has long become a member of the ACCEPT family."
  17. Talvi


  18. Sad ću i ja morati da ih pustim, verovatno "Vintage Whine". Btw, iz perioda posle Martinovog odlaska je njegov The Clan Destined nešto najbolje iz cele te priče.
  19. http://vimeo.com/12280336
  20. Talvi


    320/FLAC + Bonusi (Ruiner i Deathbound) http://www.metalsucks.net/2011/09/27/mastodons-bill-kelliher-the-metalsucks-interview/
  21. Sad tek videh da je Jeff Jordan radio omot za "Bilateral".
  22. Izvol'te ga: http://www.mediaboom.org/354125-ariya-feniks-2011.html
  23. Talvi


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