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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi

    Sear Bliss

  2. Talvi


    Siguran sam da će tema pucati od aktivnosti.
  3. Talvi

    Sear Bliss

    After two months of continuous hard work, the new Sear Bliss album is finally completed! The release date is scheduled for February 2012. The title of the album is Eternal Recurrence. More details and artwork will be announced shortly.
  4. Berkutov album
  5. Ovde samo ja mogu to da pitam, ti idi na tvoj podforum za vas dumere. (sem ako pod banom ne podrazumevaš novi Blut Aus Nord, za šta svakako jesam)
  6. Hteo bih samo da pozdravim sve koji me znaju.
  7. Dobar album. Sasvim fino teče i uopšte ne stičeš neki osećaj prenatrpanosti niti da je predugačak, lako se sluša. Ali mi zasad ne zvuči kao najbolji.
  8. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    UMORAL, the "highly nihilistic" Norwegian black metal band featuring current and former members of MAYHEM, NIDINGR, FLEURETY, DØDHEIMSGARD and GORGOROTH, has commenced work on its debut album, entitled "Der Hvor Sola Aldri Skinner".
  9. Talvi


  10. Talvi


    Kakva posvećenost, zaspi i ostavi Yum uključen.
  11. http://www.mediaboom.org/353181-of-the-wand-and-the-moon-the-lone-descent-2011.html
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZEjV7HrP4g
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Coor3AFvxQ8
  14. Talvi


    Dutch death metallers ASPHYX entered the studio in January with engineer Frank Klein Douwel to begin recording their new album, "Deathhammer". Songtitles set to appear on the CD include "Reign Of The Brute", "Vespa Cabro", "We Doom You To Death", "Asphyx-Minefield" and "Deathhammer". Axel Hermann will create the cover artwork while Dan Swanö (BLOODBATH, EDGE OF SANITY) will take care of the mixing duties. Commented the band: "By now, all the guitars, drums and bass tracks for the upcoming 'Deathhammer' album are recorded. Drums were recorded in the classic Harrow Studio, known from the ASPHYX classics as 'The Rack' and 'Last One On Earth'. The guitars and bass were recorded in The Mörser Studio. In a few weeks the vocals will be recorded in the Harrow Studio as well and then Dan Swanö will do the album's mixing and mastering, just as on 'Death…The Brutal Way' and 'Live Death Doom'. "'Deathhammer' promises to be a darkened successor of 'Death…The Brutal Way'. Almost every band is praising their newest album to be heavier and more brutal than the previous one, but actually in this case it's the harsh truth. 'Deathhammer' is in every way heavier, doomier and darker. Maybe it's because of the fact that most of the songs were written in late autumn/winter?! We do not know…but it's easily our heaviest effort so far!" "Deathhammer" is scheduled for release in early 2012 via Century Media Records.
  15. http://www.peaceville.com/cradleoffilth/
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENacQJituFU
  17. Nova Wormrot stvar.
  18. http://www.lurkerspath.com/2011/08/25/the-dos-and-donts-of-intros/
  19. Ovo su one situacije koje Grob obožava.
  20. Talvi


    Ima da se čuje na zvaničnom Death fejsu "The Philosopher" remiksovan.
  21. Hahahahah
  22. Ja i zaboravio da su najavili obradu.
  23. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Beše mi čudno kad videh CB, a ono "Mitt Rike", to je još iz demo perioda stvar. No ajde, skida se.
  24. Pokazali su oni na onom ponovo snimljenom "Stormblast"-u da ima toga još u njima, samo treba da ih neko natera.
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