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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

  2. Sempl 01. Ingesting Blattaria 02. Cretaceous Chasm 03. Vermicular Asphyxiation 04. A Sting Operation - I. Human Barbequed 05. A Sting Operation - II. Cessation Sanitation 06. A Sting Operation - III. Seeing Dead People 07. A Sting Operation - IV. Omitting Eyes
  3. Talvi


    Anyway, tek sam ga dvaput obrnuo pa ne bih mnogo da serem još, ali - sviđa mi se album generalno, mada mi se čini da Mikael nije odabrao baš najsrećniji trenutak da izda ovo jer danas ima dosta tih 70's style bendova a, ruku na srce, neki od njih rade bolje taj fazon od Opetha (hint: Graveyard recimo), a da je ovo izašlo koju godinu ranije i ljudi bi se verovatno više primili.
  4. Valjalo bi obavestiti svetske medije o ovoj temi, ljudi će da dokažu svima kako je Metallica zapravo sranje.
  5. Whitechapel - Demo 2011
  6. Talvi


    Ovde sve normalno, mada ranije danas jeste imao neke tripove.
  7. Pričali su oni više puta koliko je taj motiv postao popularan vremenom, ovo je vrhunac. Kao i Disfear i Jucifer u "Californication"-u:
  8. Nije da me nešto boli kurac za Engleze, ali glasah za "Stormblast".
  9. Fans of LACUNA COIL should already mark October 17th red in their calendars as this will be the date “Trip The Darkness” will be released – their first digital single off the upcoming album “Dark Adrenaline”!
  10. Talvi


    Idemo opet iFolder putem.
  11. Talvi


    U.K.-based crust punk death metal band THE ROTTED will release its new album, "Ad Nauseam", on October 31 via Candlelight Records. The CD was recorded earlier in the year at Parlour Studio with Russ Russell (NAPALM DEATH, DIMMU BORGIR, EVILE) once again at the helm. The dark and dirty artwork for "Ad Nauseam", as drawn by the bass-playing Minister Of The Sinister The Reverend M. Trudgill can be seen below along with a "track-by-track" YouTube video sampler by vocalist Ben McCrow. The "Ad Nauseam" artwork is inspired by the lyrics and each part represents a different song. "Ad Nauseam" track listing: 01. Anarchogram Sun 02. Rex Oblivione 03. Surrounded By Skulls 04. Non Serviam 05. Just Add Nauseam 06. Entering The Arena Of The Unwell 07. The House Of Bedlam 08. Apathy In The UK 09. Motorbastards 10. The Hammer Of Witches 11. Put Me Out Of Your Misery http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nfG5zAZkWk
  12. Talvi


    Još niste naučili da otpakujete pre no što je gotov download.
  13. Talvi


    Kakav je onaj doomy deo u "Famine".
  14. Talvi


    Nije fejk.
  15. Talvi


    http://www.mediaboom.org/344053-opeth-heritage-2011-god.html Ne, ne znam još da li je fejk.
  16. The new Nightwish single called "Storytime" will be released on Friday, the 11th of November. Presale will start soon! The whole album tracklist with teasers of each song and the album release date will follow in a week. Stay tuned!
  17. Talvi

    Woods Of Ypres

    The tracking for the new album, "Woods 5" is complete and the album is now being mixed! Anticipate 10 new songs at over an hour of our best songwriting, sounding better than ever before! Scheduled to be released in January 2012! Stay tuned and thanks for listening! DG
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1UsW6sASUo http://soundcloud.com/v-n-records/the-devils-blood-the?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=facebook&utm_content=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fv-n-records%2Fthe-devils-blood-the
  19. Je l' čučnete ako pišate negde na otvorenom? Ako to radite uopšte, naravno.
  20. Talvi

    Amon Amarth

  21. Album
  22. Ovo govori mnogo o tvojoj podsvesti.
  23. The Devil's Blood In three hours the first track by track video of The Thousandfold Epicentre can be watched! Stay tuned! Idemo, kreće sex.
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