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Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Anaal Nathrakh our next album is going to be the most fucked up thing ever recorded
Vocalist Jens Broman has decided to leave Swedish thrashers DARKANE. His replacement is Lawrence Mackrory, who sang on the band's debut album, "Rusted Angel" (1999), and made a guest appearance on the song "Chaos vs. Order" on DARKANE's 2002 effort "Expanding Senses" (2002). Lawrence will make his live comeback with DARKANE on September 20 in Strasbourg, France at the opening show of the group European headlining tour, with support from DESTINITY and DEVASTATING ENEMY. Commented DARKANE: "We are all very excited about the future, and are also working hard on the new album. We recently finished building the studio that we’ve been working on over the last 18 months, and we are very satisfied." Mackrory's new gig with DARKANE with not affect his position in F.K.Ü. and he will remain an active member of both bands. Stated Lawrence: "So, yeah, after 13 years I am back in DARKANE, which I am extremely happy about! I can't wait to record a new album, but first and foremost, go on tour in September." New rehearsal footage of DARKANE with Mackrory on vocals can be seen below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1XTsrPTIPM
Nije baš odjednom, tako je već mesec dana minimum.
Ja nisam ali 'ajde da čujemo: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PS637S6C
Pa eno ga nekoliko postova iznad.
Ne blamirajte se kad je čovek još davno objasnio kako se to radi.
Pa meni stoji u tituli.
A šta će nam logo, tj. gde bismo ga stavili?
1. Sekao duboko, zakopao plitko 2. All Graves Gaping Wide 3. Nikad bliži smrti 4. Golet 5. Darkness Shatters me Towards the Dead 6. Pred licem novog boga 7. Barren Earth in Cold Death's Hands 8. Humke
Bolji utisak na drugo slušanje, ali opet ne verujem da će ovo moći da se probije do ijednog vrha top lista pored svega što izlazi ove godine, iako će njihovi fanovi sigurno biti prezadovoljni. "Cult Of Decay" mi je među najboljima na albumu sveukupno. Kao što rekoh, glavni problem - jednoličnost materijala a zanimljivo je da je jedina pesma koja se izdvaja po tom pitanju zapravo uvodna, akustična je i prostije strukture, fino zvuči.
After 2 weeks of creative isolation at the new Oceanland on the Spanish coast, there are about 25 minutes of new material written and pre-produced which are basically one continuous piece of music. Apart from that, there are 4 more songs including a wicked cover track :-) Loic will start working on vocal pre-productions soon. Much like when I wrote Precambrian in Australia, I have written these tracks on my own, far away from everything else and everyone else but with the sea close enough to have a strong impact on my flow of ideas. You can actually hear its subtle roar in the guitar tracks if you crank them up on a quiet passage… The other guys have not been involved much yet because they are busy with their other bands Coilguns and Kunz who will see their debut split CD released on Pelagic in September. THE OCEAN will hit the studio some time in early 2012 to record the follow up(s?) to Heliocentric / Anthropocentric. More tours to be announced soon, stay tuned! Robin
"Assassins" je malo progresivniji, "Addicts" puca od hitova. I baš se razlikuju pesme - od kucačina, preko rock'n'roll tripa do maltene balade na kraju, ne kontam na koju foru su ti bili dosadni. Nego: Peaceville Records has set a September 5 release date for the reissue of DARKTHRONE's seventh album of primitive black metal, "Ravishing Grimness", featuring new artwork selected by the band, plus a bonus commentary disc with Fenriz and Nocturno describing their inspirations, as well as memories from the time of recording. TRACKS Disc 1: 01. Lifeless 02. The Beast 03. The Claws of Time 04. Across the Vacuum 05. Ravishing Grimness 06. To the Death (Under the King) Disc 2: * As above, including commentary from Fenriz and Nocturno Culto
Andrew "Mac" McDermott, the former lead singer of U.K. progressive metallers THRESHOLD, succumbed to kidney failure after spending four days in a coma. He was only 45 years old.
Treba ti neko pitanje na koje će ona malo više da se raspriča. Idealna situacija za to ti je, npr, kupovina cd-a za šatro sestru, drugaricu ili tako neku blisku personu ženskog pola. Traži joj neku preporuku, ako vidiš da je devojka u nekom određenom fazonu reci joj da baš podseća na tu personu za koju kupuješ, kad nešto preporuči ti to pohvali... I baci neku šalu usput ali spontanu, da ne deluje prenavežbano, improvizuj u skladu sa razgovorom.
Ej, mislim da ovu sliku treba da okačite baš onako da stoji "Added by Draconic" kao kod starih, za ovu stoji da ju je Laza okačio a last uvek drži kao main one slike koje je postavio bend zvanično.
Odvaljuje, baš kao što sam i očekivao. Niste normalni. I artwork je sjajan, hoćete li raditi ove majice možda?
O tome i pričam. Svaka njima čast za to što oni rade za sebe, ali nazivati njih budućnošću black metala u vremenu kada imamo Nachtmystium, Enslaved, Blut Aus Nord, Deathspell Omega-u... je prosto pogrešno.