34166 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Što se mene tiče ok, svakako je to moja kategorija sad.
Seigmen je rock bend u osnovi. Ekipa sa black metala ih zna po tome što su Shining obradili njihovu stvar - "Ohm".
Reunited '80s Montreal power metallers SWORD (not to be confused with Texas-based luminaries THE SWORD) will hold a band meeting next week to discuss the timeline for the recording and release of the group's third studio album. More information will be made available soon.
http://www.last.fm/forum/103852 http://www.last.fm/group/Last.fm+Android/forum/114391
Kad sam radio intervju sa Erkijem, rekao mi je da su ovog puta pesme ličnije, da nemaju veze sa ruskom/sovjetskom kulturom generalno. I "Aleja Staljina" je na osnovu nekog njegovog sna napisana, ništa precizirano.
"Unto The Locust" standard CD track listing: 01. I Am Hell (Sonata In C#) I) Sangre Sani II) I Am Hell III) Ashes To The Sky 02. Be Still And Know 03. Locust 04. This Is The End 05. Darkness Within 06. Pearls Before The Swine 07. Who We Are "Unto The Locust" special-edition CD track listing: 01. I Am Hell (Sonata in C#) I) Sangre Sani II) I Am Hell III) Ashes To The Sky 02. Be Still And Know 03. Locust 04. This Is The End 05. Darkness Within 06. Pearls Before The Swine 07. Who We Are 08. The Sentinel (JUDAS PRIEST cover) * 09. Witch Hunt (RUSH cover) * 10. Darkness Within (Acoustic) * * Bonus tracks DVD: * "The Making Of Unto The Locust" Documentary
Ne radi se o tome, radi se o tome da je taj njihov amaterski satanizam mogao da pije vodu među publikom '95. ili '97. godine, u međuvremenu su se ljudi nagledali i naslušali toliko toga da oni sad sa tim nastupom deluju kao neki 15-godišnjački bend.
São Paulo, Brazil-based thrash metallers MUSICA DIABLO have parted ways with SEPULTURA singer Derrick Green. Commented MUSICA DIABLO guitarist André NM (also of NITROMINDS): "It was very hard for us to take this decision, but Derrick being very busy for the last two years was making things hard especially to perform live. Lately we have been demoing for the new album, even Derrick was trying to do have an input on the process while on tour with SEPULTURA, but fact is that we all (including him) came to a conclusion that is not possible with the busy agenda from his other band to make things work as we wanted. We are now looking for a new singer to prepared and finish the material we have and get the band on the road again. As for Derrick, we all wish him and SEPULTURA the best luck with their new album, 'Kairos'."
Kad su DF u pitanju, meni se uvek čini da oni to sve zaista misle ozbiljno.
Bila je ona više puta na ovim stranicama.
The black circle has been closed once again and it is with great pleasure that we would like to announce and welcome our new bass player, ZORNHEYM. Now, that we face our new line up, I must say that the atmosphere and the chemistry within the band feels absolutely fantastic. Furthermore, every single member of Dark Funeral is once again sharing a tremendously strong commitment, an absolute dedication as well as utter professionalism. And I am absolutely sure that what you, our dear fans, soon will be able to witness that this unholy gathering of these five knights in Satan’s service is the most sinful and powerful Dark Funeral ever! We have rehearsed together for a few months already. And it feels like we are already tighter and sound much better than ever before. So once we kick off touring again, we will be like an infernal war machine that will crush everything in its path. ZORNHEYM comments: It is with great honor to be now part of this undefeatable armada of Black Metal-Warriors. When you join the truly ineffable Kings of Swedish Black Metal it is beyond doubt that great excitement accompanies this unholy path of trampled souls. Onwards into Battle! The circle is closed!
Gospodin Nemethor spomenu da vinil verzija poslednjeg albuma ima jednu bonus pesmu pa je iskopah - ima je na ovoj kompilaciji uz još gomilu stvari (Fen, The Axis Of Perdition, Herrschaft...) : http://www.fileserve.com/file/HeX2TF9/VA-Better-Undead-Than-Alive-2-2010-BERC_thierry0wnz.rar
Kako se zove ta bonus pesma?
Not impressed at all.
German metallers BRAINSTORM will release their new album, "On The Spur Of The Moment", on September 30 via AFM Records. The CD was recorded at Studio 22 in Ludwigsburg, Germany with Axel Heckert. According to BRAINSTORM, "Axel is a huge fan of the band and he [helped] us to reach a whole new level." "On The Spur Of The Moment" track listing: 01. Below The Line 02. In The Blink Of An Eye 03. Temple Of Stone 04. In These Walls 05. Still Insane 06. Dark Life 07. No Saint - No Sinner 08. Where Your Actions Lead You To Live 09. A Life On Hold 10. My Own Hell A snippet of the song "Below The Line" can be streamed using the SoundCloud player below. http://soundcloud.com/afm-records/brainstorm-below-the-line
Govorim o izdatom materijalu. Ko će još izdati album ako ne misli da je dobar? A nije sve što se izda dobro, jbg. Nemam ja problem sa menjanjem stilova, svi moji omiljeni bendovi su promenili stil najmanje jednom u karijeri, problem je što mi je album sranje. I boli me kurac koliko su oni vremena i truda uložili u to, svaka njima čast na tome ali to ne menja činjenicu da je meni album sranje, uradili oni njega za 8 godina ili 8 minuta, apsolutno je svejedno.
Fanovi su oni koji daju novac za proizvod ako im se on svidi, dakle imaju puno pravo da kažu šta misle o tome. Sadašnji članovi benda će uvek hvaliti svoju muziku, jebem mu mater, niko neće reći: "Objektivno, nismo više onako dobri".