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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. “The Great Southern Darkness has been recorded over a few months period and is comprised of 11 tracks that magnify all the best elements of GLORIOR BELLI in a twisted unique way again; a tremendous journey through dark deserts and evil swamps with Lucifer as a personal guide. It’s also dangerously violent and fast, yet at the same time really dark with all the Americana/stoner/blues elements that we cherish. Though often warm and almost inviting, the allure of GLORIOR BELLI’s bidding is revealed by a vicious duplicity; you will find comfort here, but at an unspeakable toll. The production is clear yet just harsh enough to bring a warm, fuzzy and completely unique sound you won’t find in any other modern recordings. So load up your haversack and hit the dusty road! The Great Southern Darkness Track Listing: 1. Dark Gnosis 2. Secret Ride To Rebellion 3. They Call Me Black Devil 4. Negative Incarnate 5. Bring Down The Cosmic Scheme 6. The Great Southern Darkness 7. The Foolhardy Venturer 8. Per Nox Regna 9. The Science Of Shifting 10. Chaos Manifested 11. Horns In My Pathway
  2. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Illnath - Lead The Way [EP] (2011)
  3. Ja Scalu često pičim uz spavanje, super je.
  4. Na ovom forumu nećeš naći osobu koja je iščitala više literature tog tipa od Rogija.
  5. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Austrian black metallers HELLSAW entered Munich, Germany's Dreamsound Studios last week to begin recording their fourth full-length album. Titled "Trist", the follow-up to 2009's "Cold" and is due for release in early 2012 on Napalm Records. Commented HELLSAW frontman and founder Aries: "The German word 'Trist' is difficult to define exactly, but if you think of various connotations of solemnity and sadness you'd be thinking along the right lines. "'Cold' was more about melancholy, 'Trist' is darker; it's like the scent of fine whiskey and damp earth. "As a band, we always prepare thoroughly before going into the studio, but this time we've rehearsed even more in order to perfect the sound for each track. We've also sought to redefine the HELLSAW sound without losing our identity. "There needs to be a certain amount of experimentation with each new album in order to bring the sound up to date. "Without giving too much away, with 'Trist' we believe we have found the perfect symbiosis between the old and new elements. All the songs are strong, and it will definitely kick ass." Hvala kurcu više.
  6. Šta ja znam, meni kod Scale taj klavir uopšte nije toliko bitan za celu sliku, zvučali bi mi podjednako dobro i bez njega.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui2a2KTx60s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZRots2qFFQ
  8. Kakav crni Van Canto, u poređenju sa Scala & Kolacny Brothers sve ostalo zvuči kao zajebancija.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ETIOXZni18
  10. Talvi


    Pomislih da mi ta stvar zvuči Neurosis-ovski jako i onda se setih da Kelly gostuje. Ta i "Adrift in the Ocean" mi najbolje, baš zajeban album u celini.
  11. Meni se baš sviđaju te nove verzije, "Smrt za smrt" je
  12. Da da, skroz je fino spot ispao, uklapa se uz muziku 100%. Samo mi malo čudno da ga izdaju skoro 2 godine kasnije, ali bolje ikad nego ikad. Samo se nadam da i što se tiče pisanja/snimanja novog materijala nisu još mislima na tom albumu.
  13. http://vimeo.com/26239863
  14. Talvi


  15. Talvi


  16. Talvi


    Nešto ne verujem u taj podatak.
  17. Speaking of that, i ovo su do jaja: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJOVAaW-Vt8
  18. Portugal. The Man - In The Mountain In The Cloud (2011)
  19. Brate:
  20. Baš htedoh reći, i bez opisa bih po omotu znao kakva je muzika. Dobro, jedino Kvelertak tu stilski odskače od ostatka bratije.
  21. Aj' sad reci da nisi slušao Jarboe pa da te banujem odma'.
  22. Ringworm - Scars (2011)
  23. "Disco Queen" su prošli put original k'o na cd-u odsvirali.
  24. Underkuruz, on 27 septembar 2007 - 21:37, said: Играмо очајно, једина нада у дербију нам је комплекс који гробље има.
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