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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. @666Steps: Tvoje poimanje ateizma nema nikakve veze sa ovim što sam ja rekao.
  2. Talvi


    Dani piva su kulturna manifestacija, nije vam to Beer fest sa gomilom pijanih morona.
  3. Cannabis Corpse - Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise (2011) 01. Visions From The Dankside (1:01) 02. Lunatic Of Pot's Creation (3:46) 03. Blame It On Bud (2:55) 04. Chapel Of Bowls (3:10) 05. Dead By Bong (2:44) 06. Immortal Pipes (3:22) 07. Blaze Of Torment (2:50) 08. Sworn To The Bag (3:03) 09. Where The Kind Lives (3:12) 10. Gateways To Inhalation (3:41) 11. Slave To The Chron (3:21) 12. Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise (3:12) Nadmašili su sebe sa naslovima.
  4. Mogli biste pinovati ovu temu. Just sayin'.
  5. Po toj logici, većina ljudi na ovom forumu su ateisti pa bi to trebala biti najvažnija tema, ne?
  6. Talvi


    Marillion - Live In Montréal - Friday (2011) Marillion - Live In Montréal - Saturday (2011) Marillion - Live In Montréal - Sunday (2011)
  7. Talvi


    Objaviše evropsku turneju, ni blizu ovuda ne prolaze.
  8. According to The Sun, IRON MAIDEN frontman Bruce Dickinson has turned down a spot on the judging panel of the U.K. version of the hit American singing competition "The Voice". Dickinson was offered the job by the BBC, who want the show to rival "The X Factor" when it launches next year. But Bruce said: "That show sounds so crap and demeaning to everyone involved, I took great delight in turning the BBC down. 'The X Factor' is appalling enough, it's no better than 'Opportunity Knocks'."
  9. After devoting late winter season to writing and recording, WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM is in the final stages of completing its fourth full-length opus of epic, earthen black metal ceremony. For over six months the Weaver brothers, Aaron and Nathan, have been immersed in the painstaking writing and recording process of their newest album, and this week the process is nearly complete, at press time the album in its final mixing stages. The WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM clan has confirmed the title of this forthcoming astral black metal document as "Celestial Lineage". The transmutation reaches a new level with the completion of the album. In contrast to the bleakly hypnotic architecture of "Black Cascade", the lifespan of "Celestial Lineage" breathes more expansive and visionary life into the duo's work. The WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM trademark long-form approach to arrangement remains intact, but there is a stronger thread of Popul Vuh-inspired underworld synthscapes and star-lit pulse woven with the intertwining guitar figures. "Celestial Lineage" will end a trilogy of releases which began with "Two Hunters" (2007), and is segued by "Black Cascade" (2009), and like both previous albums, will be released via Southern Lord Recordings, with a street date of September 13 now confirmed. Three songs on the album feature Jessika Kenney's liturgical choir and solo voice, as heard on "Two Hunters" as well as 2009's "Malevolent Grain" EP, the album also including orations from Aaron Turner (ISIS). Stated WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM drummer Aaron Weaver of the writing process for "Celestial Lineage": "An ornate constellation of imagery is what that guides the songwriting process. Cedar temples crowned with burnished bronze domes glimpsed in a remote valley. Wild Midsummer bonfires and feasting on roasted flesh. All of the sounds serve to evoke the images that exist in our minds eye. With this record we're going to explore an entirely new palette of sound. We want the instruments to sound like the liturgical music of a cedar cult." Besides closing out a trilogy within WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM's own annals, "Celestial Lineage" also marks the final release to ever be recorded in engineering wizard Randall Dunn's infamous Aleph Studio, the birthplace of a plethora of groundbreaking releases from EARTH, SUNN O))), BORIS, CAVE SINGERS, BJORK/OMAR SOULEYMAN and countless more over the past decade, as well as where the immense tones and energy on WITTR's lauded "Two Hunters" and "Black Cascade" albums were captured. Check out several brand new in-studio photos from these special recording sessions here.
  10. Vala, tamo gde sam ja stajao svi su bili oduvani.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vabeUJ1EAFQ
  12. Šalji to Blabbermouth-u.
  13. Bio ja, skroz kul bilo. Svirali i "What It's Like" i obradu Johnny Cash-a, "Folsom Prison Blues".
  14. Danas je i izašao album svejedno, dakle ne bi trebalo dugo da prođe.
  15. Ma ako nisi gledao Kreator ti si muzički nekompetentan, zna se da je nemoguće voleti dobru muziku a ne voleti njih.
  16. E da, dakle da sumiram, najbolji koncerti ove godine - Negura Bunget, Urban & 4, Portishead, Laibach.
  17. Jok ja, samo sam na Neguri bio skroz napred.
  18. Kreator dobro odsvirali ali zvuk jako mutan bio, naročito gitare, bas se nije čuo uopšte... Sjebalo mi doživljaj jako. Njihova svirka beše vrhunska, naravno. Portishead... Meni je ono bilo toliko nadrealno dobro da ne znam kako ono da opišem uopšte. Jebote. Možda najbolji cert na Exitu ikad, objektivno. Laibach - Demolirali. Predrkano zvuče u novoj postavi, one stare pesme jebu sve živo kako zvuče u novim aranžmanima (nadam se da će ih i snimiti za album neki tako), zvuk glasan i odličan, sjajna ekranizacija na video bimu i 80 minuta svirke - svanulo napolju a oni završavaju. Savršeno. Za Kuruza: Chupsi sjajni bili, iako nisu svirali Čajkovskog. Masa pesama, super zvuk, sve vreme inserti iz nekih bizarnih matorih horora na video bimu... Čekaju se Svetlanine fotke, kakva pička sve ti jebem.
  19. A ovo drugo je Goatmoon, je l'? Tako unikatna brada se retko viđa.
  20. Messer Chups, Portishead, malo Grinderman-a, Kreator pa Laibach, idemoooooooooooooo!
  21. Na ovoj trećoj slici su oni Hrvati, beše tema o njima na thrashu valjda?
  22. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=160508
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