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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Ni meni. Btw, meni Chrome plejer radi normalno ceo dan.
  2. Ovo dere.
  3. Jebem ga, baš mi ta slika u glavi.
  4. Meni ta kombinacija deluje kao da staviš nekog italijanskog pica majstora da kuva u nekom otmenom francuskom restoranu, tako nešto.
  5. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    To je reizdanje, pesma je objavljena ranije na "Crushing The Holy Trinity".
  6. Talvi


    GENERATION KILL, the crossover outfit featuring EXODUS frontman Rob Dukes, have named their debut album "Red, White and Blood" and will unleash this thrashing beast on next September 16th in Europe (September 27th in North America). Here are the cover artwork and tracklist: Hate Red White and Blood Feast for the Wolves Self Medicating Depraved Indifference Slow Burn Section 8 Walking Dead Dark Days Let Me Die Wish [bonus Nine Inch Nails cover]
  7. Talvi


    OLD SILVER KEY, the new band born from the hyperactive mind of DRUDKH mainman Roman Sayenko and consisting of four DRUDKH members plus French artist Neige (ALCEST, AMESOEURS) on vocals, named their debut album "Tales of Wanderings". Here are the cover artwork and tracklist of this forthcoming Underground Activists release, set to hit the stores on September 16th (September 27th in North America). 1. What Once Was And Will Never Happen Again 2. November Nights Insomnia 3. Cold Spring 4. Nineteen Winters Far Away From Home 5. Star Catcher 6. Burnt Letters 7. About Which An Old House Dreams
  8. Ama ima čovek promo, ne sme da deli.
  9. Talvi


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=aD_fAVmXt1s http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=kDiHI1kj9os http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=1Bi17LvwLqQ
  10. Dokumentarac o onom koncertu sa orkestrom, ima i titlove: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URO2hXwrcN4
  11. Vocalist Dolk of Norwegian old-school black metallers KAMPFAR has released the following statement: "This was not supposed to be revealed yet. But I decided to do so through [my] personal [online] profile. Even my bandmates don't know this yet. But I have now finally started my longtime plan to do/write a book. This has been an idea I had for ages now, due to all the questions I get from the 'media' about this theme/topic/period of time. "I have been so tired, in a way, to tell parts of this story without being able to tell the whole story. So the book will be about the early years in black metal and about my side of the story of it all. This book will step on someone's toes, that's for sure. But it's my side of the story. This book is for those who are interested (and it's some sort of a soul and mind surfer for me personal). To the rest… Well, I don't give a fuck!! It's all very early in the process yet. But I have decided to go all the way now. "Anyway… This has been a long process for me and a big step to make it official. Besides my woman, you are the first ones to know this at all."
  12. Talvi


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer odnosno
  13. Sudeći po ovoj pesmi, ekstremno prosečan i dosadan Dimmu Borgir rip-off sa hrišćanskim tekstovima, ja već drkam od uzbuđenja.
  14. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Narukvica-Ceca/191690714212381
  15. Meni dosadnjikav, mada ga stvarno dugo nisam čuo pa bi mi možda sad legao bolje. Od Vintijevih side-bendova Havayoth rules supreme.
  16. Universal: All music written by Øystein G. Brun except "Fleshflower" music by Lars A. Nedland
  17. Borknagar sa Vintijem >>> Vinti posle Cosmic Genesis, by far.
  18. Ulver neka niko ne dira, savršen je ovakav kakav je, hvala. Mada, realno, ni u Borku mi ne treba Vortex.
  19. Može on odmah sad u "Ja imam talenat", da odmeni Tasovca ili onog ćelavog.
  20. I opet okupili, i Garm i Vortex treba da pevaju, samo su nešto mnogo usporili sa tim reunionom.
  21. Ne mogu ja to baš tako da poredim, suviše su mi recimo Aspera i Sideshow stilski različiti da ih poredim po kvalitetu. Mada, bili njihovi albumi međusobno jači ili slabiji, oni su mi baš jedan od bendova za koje mogu reći da su imali karijeru bez greške, sa sve DVD-jem kao krunom svega. Btw, mnogo su mi dragi onaj remix/remaster Aspere i tog drugog ranog materijala i "Disguised Masters", naročito gangsta verzija "Master Of Disguise".
  22. Talvi


    Jebote, ja sam tek sad skontao preko one slike gore da Kvarforthu piše "Dahmer" na levoj podlaktici.
  23. Talvi

    Holy Moses

    Long-running, female-fronted German thrashers HOLY MOSES have entered Absurd studio in Hamburg to begin recording their "30th-Year Anniversary - In The Power Of Now" double album. The CD will contain re-recorded versions of 20 of the most important songs in HOLY MOSES' 30-year catalog. A fall release is expected.
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