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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. According to the Polish tabloid Fakt, guitarist/vocalist Adam "Nergal" Darski of Polish extreme metal veterans BEHEMOTH has signed on to be a judge on Poland’s version of the hit American singing competition "The Voice", appropriately named "The Voice Of Poland". Although Nergal's participation in the show has not yet been confirmed, it is being reported in the Polish media that the producers of "The Voice Of Poland" are hoping that Nergal's presence on the program will attract a new audience as well as improve its chances of competing against rival television talent-show franchise "X Factor".
  2. Dakle, od sada sav neofolk ide ovamo.
  3. Dakle, ovako: ja sam sad i ovde mod i ovo je od sada i podforum za neofolk (kao što vidite i po novom nazivu podforuma), dakle to višegodišnje razvlačenje je najzad završeno i sav neofolk od sada ide ovde. Prebacio sam opštu temu o neofolku sa viking/folka, ako vidite tamo još neku kojoj je mesto ovde, recite.
  4. Talvi


    Pa ono, ako mu se svidela ta svideće mu se i ostalo 100%.
  5. Jex je ljubav, ja bih išao samo da je gledam nezavisno od muzike. A što se zvuka tiče: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYqcW6feMrY
  6. Talvi


  7. Ja ga imam već neko vreme ali mislim da nije leakovao još. Super je, btw.
  8. Kakva tuga od omota, kao da ga je neka šiparica crtala.
  9. Ja ću provesti na tom stejdžu fin deo vremena, sudeći po programu. Ide li još neko od viđenijih ljudi odavde?
  10. Ko nije slušao, obavezno da overi Sabbath Assembly - novi bend Jex Thoth sa vrlo zanimljivim konceptom i vrhunskom svirkom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wrt_HMwu4Gs
  11. Aha, baš će se neko cimati i praviti poseban podforum radi troje koji bi tamo pisali.
  12. Talvi


    The following information regarding the new album from TAAKE has been revealed directly by Hoest. Sons & daughters of bitches, Your favourite asshole has just completed the new Taake album entitled "Noregs Vaapen". It will be released as limited digipak through Dark Essence Records and double LP through Svartekunst Produksjoner in September. Hoest says: "Right now I'm too sick of working on the album to make any promotional statement. But I can quite humbly assure y'all that it's beyond what any of you deserve.." Guest performers include Nocturno Culto, Attila Csihar and Demonaz, among others. While you wait, the "Kveld" maxi single will be released on vinyl, limited to 300 copies.. Look out!
  13. Talvi


    Nova stvar: http://media.nuclearblast.de/download/gratisdownload/index.php?link_kampagne=Vader-ComeAndSeeMySacrifice
  14. Talvi


  15. Talvi


  16. Jbg, tu je već Blackie otišao a on je baš masu muzike radio za bend. Meni je bio malo čudan taj prošli, nekako mekši nego što sam očekivao, ali fin opet.
  17. EX DEO — the Ancient Roman-themed arsenal led by KATAKLYSM frontman Maurizio Iacono — will enter JFD studios in Dallas, Texas and Montreal, Canada in the fall with producer Jean-François Dagenais (KATAKLYSM, MALEVOLENT CREATION, MISERY INDEX, DESPISED ICON) to begin recording its sophomore album, "Caligula", for an early 2012 release via Austria's Napalm Records. According to the band, the CD will feature "the most intense 'epic metal soundtrack' to come out in recent history." Commented Iacono: "The album will once again have the honor of some elite guest appearances. The band promises an album that will shake the metal scene!" The artwork and layout for "Caligula" will be handled by classic artist Seth (SEPTICFLESH). Songtitles set to appear on the CD include "I, Caligula", "Burned to Serve the Nocturnal Light", "In War & Conquest/Roma Caput Mundi" and "Teutoburg (The Ambush of Varus) - Part 1". Eto, omot će sigurno da valja.
  18. Talvi


    Pa, imajući u vidu da svira u istom bendu sa ovim likom...
  19. Talvi


  20. Kad mi to možemo da očekujemo, makar okvirno?
  21. Ijao, kakvo će ovo karanje da bude.
  22. Nova pesma: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK1-ebsOQSs
  23. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=160122
  24. *shels - Plains of the Purple Buffalo (2011)
  25. Snimak sa Hellfesta: http://www.mediaboom.org/345665-kreator-live-at-hellfest-2011.html
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